Edward Hunter spoke to the people followed by President Brigham
Young He gave much instruction to the Bishops but there was no one
who reported it. He said that Brother Hunter was the Ckief [Chief] Bishop &
I have the right to claim my food & raiment at his hands but I
dont do it But I feed myself & thousands of others. he made many
vary important remarks upon the occasion
~ Sunday
Oct 7 President Young made a few remarks followed by Elder O
Hyde as spoken of under the date of the 6th He was followed by President
Young. Judge Kinney & others were Present. In the afternoon John
YoungH. C. KimballD. H. Wells & President Young preached & were full
of the power of God. At 5 oclok the Presidency & Twelve met for
Prayer. E. T. Benson Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth.
The Twelve Apostle met with the People in the Tabernacle at candle
light. Lorenzo Snow E. T. Benson & W Woodruff spoke to the people
and the spirit of God rested upon us
~ Monday
8 The conference met at 10 oclok President Young spoke a short time
then the statistics of the recepts & disbursments of the cash tithings
for 1857, [185]8, [185]9 & 1860. The conference closed at Noon & adjourned
till the 6 day of Next April at 10 oclok. I spent the afternoon in
the office Journalizing
~ Tuesday
9 I got some Blacksmithing done & attended to choreing till 11 oclk
the rest of the time I spent in the office it commened raining
at 11 oclok, and rained for several hours
~ Wednesday
10 I rode to Fort Herriman spent the evening in diging potatoes 20 miles
~ Thursday
11 I seperated my sheep from Brother Stockings & started Moroni with
the sheep for home I went to the field & finished diging potatoes at
about 11 oclok & started for Home Brother Homer rode with me we
got to my farm house at sundown with my sheep I had 130 in
all I turned my French Mareno Buck with my sheep 20 miles
~ Friday
12 I rode down to my farm & spent the afternoon & night till
1 oclok boiling sugar cane Molasses it takes 6 gallons of Juice
for 1 gallon Molasses
~ Saturday
13 Wilford commened togrinding Early & did not oil the mill &
wore out one of the lower Boxes we must have another I took
a mule put on a pair of spiurs & rode to the mashine shop at the sugar house
made an arangemet to have a man go with me to the sugar Mill to
Edward Hunter spoke to the people followed by President Brigham
Young. He gave much instruction to the Bishops but there was no one
who reported it. He said that Brother Hunter was the Chief Bishop &
I have the right to claim my food & raiment at his hands but I
dont do it But I feed myself & thousands of others, he made many
vary important remarks upon the occasion
Oct 7 President Young made a few remarks followed by Elder O
Hyde as spoken of under the date of the 6th He was followed by President
Young. Judge Kinney & others were Present. In the afternoon John
YoungH. C. KimballD. H. Wells & President Young preached & were full
of the power of God. At 5 oclok the Presidency & Twelve met for
Prayer. E. T. Benson Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth.
The Twelve Apostle met with the People in the Tabernacle at candle
light. Lorenzo Snow E. T. Benson & W Woodruff spoke to the people
and the spirit of God rested upon us
8 The conference met at 10 oclok. President Young spoke a short time
then the statistics of the recepts & disbursments of the cash tithings
for 1857, 8, 9, & 1860. The Conference closed at Noon & adjourned
till the 6 day of Next April at 10 oclok. I spent the afternoon in
the office Journalizing
9 I got some Blacksmithing done & attended to choreing till 11 oclk
the rest of the time I spent in the office it commenced raining
at 11 oclok, and rained for several hours
10 I rode to Fort Harriman spent the evening in diging potatoes 20 miles
11 I separated my sheep from Brother Stockings & started Moroni with
the sheep for home I went to the field & finished diging potatoes at
about 11 oclok & started for Home Brother Homer rode with me we
got to my farm house at sundown with my sheep I had 130 in
all I turned my French Mareno Buck with my sheep 20 miles
12 I rode down to my farm & spent the afternoon & night till
1 oclok boiling sugar cane Molasses it takes 6 gallons of Juice
for 1 gallon Molasses
13 [FIGURE] Wilford commenced grinding Early & did not oil the mill &
wore out one of the lower Boxes we must have another I took
a mule put on a pair of spurs & rode to the machine shop at the sugar house
made an arangement to have a man go with me to the sugar Mill to
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," October 6, 1860 - October 13, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/98WD