Oct 5th 1839 I was called upon by my relatives to attend the Ifuneral sermon of Uncle Adna Hart
I had suffered with the chills & fever almost daily for about 15 days & to undertake to preach
a sermon in my weak state & to commence at the hour my ague was to come on required much
resolution confidence & faith. however I promised to Go & gave out the appointment. It was a
chilly day I rode in company with my Mother & Sister Eunice, 3 miles from farmington to Adna
Harts house in Avon the neighbors soon began to assemble & I had an interview with many friends
that I had not seen before for a long time viz Sister Hannah WoodruffEzra Hart, Philo Vining
besides a large congregation of the Neighbors in the reigions round about. Adna felt before
his death that he had not lived as he ought for the last few years of his life, but before his
death he felt to repent of all his sins, & said & felt that he was perfectly willing to die & his friends
felt a great evidence that it was well with him. After singing & prayer I arose at the same
hour that my ague was to come on & I addressed the assembly an hour or more with such
remarks as I thought the subject required & dismissed the congregation. I took the last
look of the corps which was vary plesant & it was conveyed to the grave Yard whare my MotherGrand father & many relatives were buried, & here Adna Harts body was committed to the
Tomb from the sight of many friends. I did not go to the grave myself, but after conversing
with Philo Vining upon the things of the Kingdom of God and also hearing Sister Betsey Cossett
express her joy at having obeyed the gospel & being baptized for the remission of sins, I took the
parting hand with those friends & returned to fathers House in Farmington being vary thankful to
the Lord for entirly delivering me from the ague & fever this day notwithstanding I had been
so much exposed & I had no more of it for many days 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day at Fathers I had a plesant walk with Sister Eunice in viewing the rivers & fields of
my youth &c
~ Saturday
Oct 5th 1839 I was called upon by my relatives to attend the funeral sermon of Uncle Adna Hart
I had suffered with the chills & fever almost daily for about 15 days & to undertake to preach
a sermon in my weak state & to commence at the hour my ague was to come on required much
resolution confidence & faith, however I promised to go & gave out the appointment. It was a
chilly day I rode in company with my Mother & Sister Eunice, 3 miles from farmington to Adna
Harts house in Avon the neighbors soon began to assemble & I had an interview with many friends
that I had not seen before for a long time viz sister Hannah Woodruff Ezra Hart. Philo Vining
besides a large congregation of the neighbors in the regions round about. Adna felt before
his death that he had not lived as he ought for the last few years of his life, but before his
death he felt to repent of all his sins, & said & felt that he was perfectly willing to die & his friends
felt a great evidence that it was well with him. After singing & Prayer I arose at the same
hour that my ague was to come on & I addressed the assembly an hour or more with such
remarks as I thought the subject required & dismissed the congregation. I took the last
look at the corps which was vary plesant & it was conveyed to the grave yard whare my
Mother Grand father & many relatives were buried, & here Adna Harts body was committed to the
Tomb from the sight of many friends. I did not go to the grave myself, but after conversing
with Philo Vining upon the things of the Kingdom of God and also hearing Sister Betsey Cossett
express her joy at having obeyed the gospel & being baptized for the remission of sins, I took the
parting hand with those friends & returned to fathers house in Farmington being vary thankful to
the Lord for entirly delivering me from the ague & fever this day notwithstanding I had been
so much exposed & I had no more of it for many days 6 m
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day at Fathers I had a plesant walk with sister Eunice in viewing the rivers & fields of
my youth &c.
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," October 5, 1839 - October 6, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/vx8