Brethren or sisters in the Church of Christ to make it manifest. Most of the brethren then present arose sepera-
tely & gave their statements as requested above & all declared that they had nothing lade up against any
one but all desired the wellfare & prosperity of Christ Kingdom on the earth. Elder Woodruff then gave an add
ress to the conference laying before them many things which he had experianced & teaching also many things which
are of the greatest importance to those who are going forth to labour in the Lords vineyard &c. Br Joseph Mc
Causland was recommended for ordination from the branch in Jacksonville & was ordained an Elder under the
hands of Elders W. Woodruff J. Dunham & D. Carter. Br James Higby was presented from this branch but some
objections were raised against him therefore the subject was waved. Br Brewster was then presented for ordination
after some inquiries were made & some objections raised the minds of the conference was called by a vote & all but 3
who were present were in favor of his receeiving an ordination.
Voted to adjourn till tomorrow morning
at 8 oclock. Preaching in the evening to a respectable congregation by Elder Woodruff.
~ Saturday
Saturday morning met &
opened the meeting by singing & prayer by the Moderator. the people soon began to collect to hear preaching conse
quently the meeting was adjourned untill 6 oclock in the evening to be held in the room of Br Reuben Daniels. Preaching
in the forenoon by Elder Arnold Stephens. Preaching in the Afternoon by Elder W. Woodruff. Saturday evening the
conference met according to adjornurnment at the room of Br Daniels sung an hymn called upon the Lord in prayr in
behalf of Br Starks who had sent to the brethren to pray for him for he was vary sick that he might be healed
We lade hands on Br Stephen Mecham who was unwell. Also on Br Nathan CStaker who was also Ill. Priest Jonathan
fisher was presented for ordination from this branch. Voted that Br Fisher be ordained an Elder. Br Joshua Mehcham
was presented for the ordination of a Priest & passed. Br Samuel Mulner was also recommended for the office of
an Elder & Passed. these three just named candidates was then ordained to their respective offices under the hands
of Elder Woodruff & others. The question of Br Brewster was again brought up before the conference & after
a lengthy discussion upon the subject untill near break of day it was found some 3 or 4 could not be made willing
that he should receive an ordination the question was therefore waved for the present Voted to adjorn.
Brethren or sisters in the Church of Christ to make it manifest. Most of the brethren then present arose seperately & gave their statements as requested above & all declared that they had nothing lade up against any
one but all desired the wellfare & prosperity of Christ Kingdom on the earth. Elder Woodruff then gave an add
ress to the conference laying before them many things which he had experianced & teaching also many things which
are of the greatest importance to those who are going forth to labour in the Lords vineyard &c. Br Joseph Mc
Causland was recommended for ordination from the branch in Jacksonville & was ordained an Elder under the
hands of Elders W. Woodruff. J. Dunham & D. Carter. Br James Higby was presented from this branch but some
objections were raised against him therefore the subject was waved. Br Brewster was then presented for ordination
after some inquiries were made & some objections raised the mind of the conference was called by a vote & all but 3
who were present were in favor of his recieving an ordination.
Voted to adjourn till tomorrow morning
at 8 oclock. Preaching in the evening to a respectable congregation by Elder Woodruff. Saturday morning met &
opened the meeting by singing & prayer by the Moderator, the people soon began to collect to hear preaching conse
quently the meeting was adjourned untill 6 olock in the evening to be held in the room of Br Reuben Daniels. Preaching
in the forenoon by Elder Arnold Stephens. Preaching in the afternoon by Elder W. Woodruff. Saturday evening the
conference met according to adjournment at the room of Br Daniels sung an hymn called upon the Lord in prayr in
behalf of Br Starks who had sent to the brethren to pray for him for he was vary sick that he might be healed
We lade hands on Br Stephen Mecham who was unwell. Also on Br Nathan Staker who was also ill. Priest Jonathan
fisher was presented for ordination from this branch. Voted that Br Fisher be ordained an Elder. Br Joshua Mecham
was presented for the ordination of a Priest & passed. Br Samuel Mulner was also recommended for the office of
an Elder & Passed. these three just named candidates was then ordained to their respective offices under the hands
of Elder Woodruff & others. The question of Br Brewster was again brought up before the conference & after
a lengthy discussion upon the subject untill near break of day it was found some 3 or 4 could not be made willing
that he should receive an ordination the question was therefore waved for the present Voted to adjorn.
Edwin P Merriam Clerk of Said Conference
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," March 8, 1839 - March 9, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,