left the conference & in company with Elder James we took the steem boat monmouth
for Middletown at which place we landed, 30 miles we then took the stage rode to Freehold
10 miles & spent the night 40 miles
22nd Elder Pratt & myself attended a debate in the methodist meeting house, between mr Spear a methodist preacher & Elder James it was the 5th Day of the debate & it closed I
rode 7 miles & spent the night with J. Ivins 7 mile
~ Saturday
23rd I rode 3 miles & held a meeting in the Cream Ridge school house & also in the evening
Elder O Pratt preached & I followed him. I spent the night at the house of Mr James S
Lawrence the whole household were believing {Lawrence and Tilton were of the first class} 3 miles
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I held meeting at the school house. I wrote a lengthy letter to Mrs Woodruff and
enclosed $1 {dollars in money} we had a severe storm I spent the night at the house of Geo Woodword
~ Monday
25th I wrote A letter a letter to Sister Eunice. I Preached at the Cream Ridge Brick School
house at night & rode home with Br James Ivins & spent the night with him 4 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
26th I preached at the brick school house & returned & spent the night with J Ivins 6 m
~ Wednesday
27 I spent the evening preaching at the brick school house & spent the night with Elder James at the house of Daniel Tilton. I had another attack of the chills & fever
During the night, it was brought on by being vary warm while Preaching & immediately
chilled afterwards 4 miles
~ Thursday
28th I spent the day at Mr Tiltons & the night, & had a dream while upon my bed and in my Dream I saw Mrs Woodruff & notwithstanding we rejoiced much at having an
interview with each other yet our embraces were mixed with sorrow for after conversing
left the conference & in company with Elder James we took the steem boat monmouth
for Middletown at which place we landed, 30 miles we then took the stage rode to Freehold
10 miles & spent the night 40 miles
~ Thursday
21st We walked 8 miles & rode 8 to Br James Ivins from thence to New Egypt 7 miles & stoped
at Mr Thomas Harrisons. I preached in the school house to a large congregations from
Hosea 3d 2 last verses. I spent the night at the house of Abram Vintice 23 mile
~ Friday
22nd Elder Pratt & myself attended a debate in the methodist meeting house between mr
Spear a methodist preacher & Elder James it was the 5th Day of the debate & it closed. I
rode 7 miles & spent the night with J. Ivins 7 mile
~ Saturday
23rd I rode 3 miles & held a meeting in the Cream Ridge school house & also in the evening
Elder O Pratt Preached & I followed him. I spent the night at the house of Mr James S
Lawrence the whole household were believing {Lawrence and Tilton were of the first class} 3 miles
~ Sunday
24 [FIGURE] Sunday I held meeting at the school house. I wrote a lengthy letter to Mrs Woodruff and
enclosed $1 {dollars in money} we had a severe storm. I spent the night at the house of Geoe Woodward.
~ Monday
25th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter a letter to sister Eunice. I Preached at the Cream Ridge brick School
house at night & rode home with Br James Ivins & spent the night with him 4 m
~ Tuesday
26th I Preached at the brick school house & returned & spent the night with J Ivins 6 m
~ Wednesday
27 I spent the evening preaching at the brick school house & spent the night with Elder
James at the house of Daniel Tilton. I had another attack of the chills & fever
During the night, it was brought on by being vary warm while Preaching & immediately
chilled afterwards 4 miles
~ Thursday
28th I spent the day at Mr Tiltons & the night, & had a dream while upon my bed and
[FIGURE] in my Dream I saw Mrs Woodruff & notwithstanding we rejoiced much at having an
interview with each other yet our embraces were mixed with sorrow for after conversing
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," November 20, 1839 - November 28, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/qkG