a while about her domestic affairs I asked, whare Sarah Emma was (our ownly child) She says
weeping ({and kissing me}) she is dead. We sorrowed a moment & I awoke. Phebe Also said she had
not recieved my letters. Is this dream true time must determin. ^This dream was a warning of
what was to come SarahEmma Died 17th of July AD 1840^
~ Friday
29th I spent the day & night with Br John Woodward reading a debate between a Universalist
& prysbeterian
~ Saturday
30th In company with Elder James I held a meeting at Mr George Myres
~ Sunday
Dec 1st Sunday I Preached at the brick school house & communed with the Church & rode
to Hornerstown & Elder James Baptized two. I spent the night at Mr Wm Woodward 5 [miles]
2 3rd A stormy Day which I spent at Mr Woodwards walked to the school house at night
through the mud but no meeting returned to Woodwards & spent the night 3 m
~ Wednesday
4th Attended a meeting at the brick school house. Elder P. P. Pratt preached to a large
congregation I spent the night at Br Samuel Mores 2 m
~ Thursday
5th I wrote a letter to Elder JOHNHERRETT. And walked to New Egypt & preached
to a large congregation & spent the night with Mr Abram Burtis 3
10. I spent the day in reading the researches and missionary labours among the Jews Meohomedan
& other sects by the RevJosephWolff during his travels between the years 1831 & 1834
which I found highly interesting
a while about her domestic affairs I asked, whare Sarah Emma was (our ownly child) She says
weeping {and kissing me} she is dead. We sorrowed a moment & I awoke, Phebe also said she had
not received my letters. Is this dream true time must determin. This dream was a warning of
what was to come SarahEmma Died 17th of July AD 1840
~ Friday
29th I spent the day & night with Br John Woodward reading a debate between a Universalist
& Prysbeterian
~ Saturday
30th In company with Elder James I held a meeting at Mr George Myres
~ Sunday
Dec 1st Sunday I Preached at the brick school house & communed with the church & rode
to Hornerstown & Elder James Baptized two. I spent the night at Mr Wm Woodward 5
FIGURE 2 3rd A stormy day which I spent at Mr Woodwards walked to the school house at night
through the mud but no meeting returned to Woodwards & spent the night 3 m
~ Wednesday
4th Attended a meeting at the brick school house. Elder P. P. Pratt Preached to a large
congregation. I spent the night at Br Samuel Mores 2 m
~ Thursday
5th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Elder JOHNHERRETT, and walked to New Egypt & preached
to a large congregation & spent the night with Mr Abram Burtis 3
10. I spent the day in reading the researches and missionary labours among the Jews Mahomedens
& other sects by the RevJosephWolff during his travels between the years 1831 & 1835
which I found highly interesting
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," November 28, 1839 - December 10, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rlK