Day in the Life

Nov 24, 1839

Journal Entry

November 24, 1839 ~ Sunday

24 A hand pointing to the right Sunday I held meeting at the school house. I wrote a lengthy letter to Mrs Woodruff and
enclosed $1 {dollars in money} we had a severe storm I spent the night at the house of Geo Woodword


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Woodward, George
9 Sep 1817 - 17 Dec 1903
6 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions


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November 28, 1839 ~ Thursday 28th I spent the day at Mr Tiltons & the night, & had a dream while upon my bed and [FIGURE] in my Dream I saw Mrs Woodruff & notwithstanding we rejoiced much at having an interview with each other yet our embraces were mixed with sorrow for after conversing
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 November 1839
New Egypt, New Jersey, My Dear Phebe I once more sit down to write a letter to you, this is the fourth letter I have written you since we last parted, but whether you get my letters or not I do not know know. I have not recieved but one letter from you but I was truly thankful to hear from you once, and I have been sorry that I did not request you to write immediately to New York as soon as you recievied my letter under date of 23rd of Oct, I could then have had another letter by this time but I would now say, that I wish you would write to me as soon as you get this & direct it to me at New York City & I may get it before I leave for England. I will write you again before I leave the City & tell you whare to direct to me in England. I feel more ankxious to hear from you & Sarah because of your sickness. I wrote a letter to Brother Luther Scamnon's & Sister Foss a short time since. I recieved a letter from Sister Eunice a few days since the friends all well Mother’s health good. I see Ilus freequently he is well. When you write me give me an account of the sickness in Mont- rose & Commerce name ^those^ that have died since you last wrote if any there are, tell me (all about it) how you & Sarah get along in your Sickness give me any sick bed reflections or meditations that you may have had, & give me all information you have concerning the presidency or Twelve or any of the church whether they are sick or well, tell me why the paper is not printed & sent to the subscribers, are the Editors still sick. On the 2nd of Nov I wrote a letter to N. Thomas Rochester Ill, & on the 9th Oct to Milton Holmes. On the night of the 8th of Nov I saw you in a dream & thought you was still in affliction but did not see Sarah Emma & on the 11th I also had an interview with you & did not see little Sarah…. I also saw the same night S. Ridgdon E. Higby, & David Patten. Tell me when you wright how you get along with your temporal matters, what is your condition are you in want of food or help, how do you get along with the cow, shall I send you a few dollars in money I will try to do so next letter, & while I am making enquiries concerning you I expect you wish to hear sumthing concerning me how I get along &c; I shall say nothing concerning my travels &c. before the date of my last letter for I hope you have recieved it before this time. I took a severe cold a few days after I last wrote & it settled upon my longues & I had a dreadful cough for several days & it left me. I had the last chill & fever on the 26th day of Oct. On the 1st day of Nov I accompanied three Elder viz Clark, Wright, & S. Mullener on board the Ship Tarolinta, capt Smith bound for Liverpool, they took steerage passage & looked quite comfortable fare $12 & find themselves & after committing those Dear Saints of God into his care, I took the parting hand with them, may the Lord go with them & bless them I pray. Nov 5th I went to long Island & for the first time since I left you I was able in body to take a regular course of preaching I preached every other night & three times on the Sabbath. & on the 13th Elder O. Pratt came down to the Island & joined me in labour before we left, we had large congregations we left many believing & their was rising of 30 baptized by other Elders when we went there, the last meeting we held, the friends gave us a collection of $25 dollars to assist us in our travels. We returned to New York on the 18th inst, & on the 19th We held a conference in the City, P. & O. Pratt, W. Woodruff S. James, B, Winchester S. Brown & a number of other Elders were present, & after sitting in conference
Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)
224th [FIGURE] Sunday I held meeting at the school house I also wrote a letter to Phebe quite lengthy {shorthand} $1 {dollars in money} We had a severe storm I spent the night at the house of Mr George Woodward


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).
Church membership is 16,800; population of the 26 United States is 17,100,000.

Nov 24, 1839