prophets & the Ladder the dividing of our
company. while journeying to Zion & the
rings of Blood the war of the gentiles with
the Saints in Zion While Moab is the gentiles
& they go against Zion to Battle will not
Zion be terrible to her enemies as her
horn becomes Iron & hoofs Brass &c.
then will not Moab do as Isaiah
says in all things to the letter litterly see Isa XV ch Time must determine all things
After we read this chapter & viewing it
to mean sumthing of Interest, I took
up a late News paper containing an
account this the gentiles in Missouri
had gone to war with the Saints the in-
habitants of Zion the people called Mor-
mons & that the Saints were overcome-
ing them &c. if this be true then is
not the commencement of the fulfillme-
nt of the Dream. But time must
Determine all things
peopbty & the Ladder the lindy of our
company. while journeying to Zion & the
rings of Blood the near of the gentiles with
the Saints in Zion While Moab is the gentile
& they go against Zion to Battle willing
Zion be tensable to her enemies as her
house becomes Iron & hoofs Brass &c.
Ther will not Moab do as Isaiah
says in all things to the letter littenly ser
Isa XV ch Time must determine all things
After we read this chapted & received it
to mean sumthing of Interest. I took
up a state News paper containing an
account this the gentiles in Missouri
had gave to near with the Saints the in
habitants of Zion the people called Mor
mons & that the Saints were avreon
ing sten &c. if this be true then is
not the commencement of the fulfillme
nt of the dream. But time must
Determine all things