full of faith related a Dream
that she had on the night of the 19th
The Dream was of consequence &
full of meaning It was as follows
she say^w^ the Moon in the North of
a psilver colour. She saw a small sun
in the South & while looking at the strange
appearance of the heavens their appeared a
ring of Blood in the heavens in the
[blank] & their soon appeared several
other rings of Blood of a larger size
all encircling each other being a ring in
a ring & their soon appeared a ladder
red as fire & it fell to the earth & broke in
two pieces one peace of the Ladder had a
Iron plate fassened to it with sumthing
printed on it. I Willford Woodruff went
& picked it up & read it & behold it con-
tained the XV chapter of Isaiah. read the chapter
for yourselves & learn wisdom {shorthand}
Does not the sun & Moon seen represent
the signs in the heavens spoken of by the
full of faith related a Dream
that she had on the night of the 19
The Dream was of consequence &
full of meaning It was as follows
She saw the Moon in the North of
a Silver colour. She saw a small sun
in the South & while looking at the strange
appearance of the heavens their appeared a
ring of Blood in the heavens in the
[blank] & their soon appeared several
other rings of Blood of a larger size
all encircling each other being a ring in
a ring & ther soon appeared a ladder
red as fire & it fell to the earth & broke in
two pieces one peace of the Ladder had a
Iiron plate fassened to it with sumthing
printed on it. I Willford Woodruff went
& picked it up & read it & behold it con
tained the XV Chapter of Isaiah read the chapter
for yourselves & learn wisdom why
Does not the Sun & Moon seem represent
it Lipus in the heavens spoken of by the