has now made up his mind
not to journey any further with
us but to tarry in Kirtland or
the regions round about untill
next spring we have had many
interesting seasons together & the
Lord ownly knows when or where
we shall ever meet again or what
troubles we shall be called to put
through before that time.
Distance of the day 16 miles
~ Saturday
17th We took the parting hand with Elder M Holmes & rode to Ravenna from there
to Franklin Portage County Ohio &
spent the night with Mr Sewel Morgan
I learned from Mr Morgan that I am
now in the vicinit[y] of our Farmington
Neighbours the sons of Abner & Bald-
win Hart, the Goufs &c Elisha Miller
& family live in Bath Madina County
Ohio about 8 miles from New Portage
distance of the day 20 mils
has now made up his mind
not to journey any further with
us but to tarry in Kirtland or
the regions round about untill
next spring we have had many
interesting seasons together & the
Lord ownly Knows when or why
we shall ever meet again or what
troubles we shall be called to put
through before that time .
Distance of the day 16 miles
~ Saturday
17th We took the parting hand with Elder
M. Holmes & rode to Ravanna from there
to Franklin Portage County Ohio &
spent the night with Mr Sewel Morgan
I learned from Mr Morgan that I am
now in the vicinity of our Farmington
Neighbours the sons of Abner & Bald
win Hart the Goff's &c Elisha Miller
& family live in Bath Madina Coty
Ohio about 8 miles from New Portage
distance of the day 20miles