18th Sunday I wrote a Letter to
the Sons of Abner & Baldwin Hart
we travled through a cold snow
storm to Middlebury from thens
to New Portage we found but 2
or 3 Saints left of that branch of
the Church we all spent the
night with Brother Levi Way we
had an interview with Elder John Harrington Distance of
the day 15 miles
~ Monday
19th A cold winters morning
we left Brother Ways & travled
to Doylestown & spent the night at
the Inn of Mr J. W. Gailhouse distance
of the day 8 miles
~ Tuesday
20 We have made arangments
this morning to seperate Brothers Thomas & LuceTownsend think
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I wrote a Letter to
the Sons of Abner & Baldwin Hart
we travled through a cold snow
storm to Middlebury from thence
to New Portage we found bent 2
or 3 Saints left of that branch of
the church we all spent the
night with Brother Levi Way we
had an interview with Elder
John Harrington Distance of
the day 15 miles
~ Monday
19th A cold morning
we left Brothers Ways & travled
to Daylston & spent the night at
the Inn of Mr J. W. Gailhouse distance
of the day 8 miles
~ Tuesday
20 We have made arangments
this morning to seperate Brothers
Thomas & Townsend think