Brothers Luce & Brown came
up with us at night & spent the
night with us after being seperated
several days this is the first time
we have spent two nights in one
place since we left father Holmes in Mass.
~ Friday
Nov 16th It is some cold & hazy
we contiynued our journey &
travled to Mantauway & put
up for the night at the In of Mr Lewis Turner Elders M. Holmes
& J Townsend once more joined
our company & spent the night with
us & since Elder Holmes has ben
in Kirtland he has seen several
Letters from far west Mo representing
that their is great troubles among
the Saints in consequence of the
inhabitants coming against them
to war Elder Milton Holmes
Brothers Luce & Brown came
up with us at night & spent the
night with us after being seperated
several days this is the first time
we have spent two night in one
place since we left father
Holmes in Mass.
~ Friday
16th It is some cold & hezz
we continued our journey &
travled to Mantauway & put
up for the night at the In of Mr
Lewis Turner Elders M. Holmes
& J Townsend once more joined
our company & spent the night with
us & since Elder Holmes has ben
in Kirtland he has seen several
Litters from far west Mo representing
that there is great troubles among
the Saints in consequence of the
inhabitants coming against them
to war Elder Milton Holmes