I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle President Yoong spoke one hour & 20 mitnuts
Afternoon L Snow spoke 47 minutes & E. T. Benson 30. I met
with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer & in the Evening again met
at President Youngs office
~ Monday
10 I met in the morning at 8 oclok in the H. O. Prayer room &
I anointed Thomas Taylor to his seconed Anointing & his wife &
then went to my farm to Labor
14. I met at 8 oclok & Anointed Isacc Laney A man
Noted in the History of the Massacree at Hawns Mill who
was shot to Peaces on that occasin & still lived he had 27
Ball Holes in his shirt one ball Entered one arm pit &
came out at the other 2 Balls went through his breast 2 through
his body above the hips one through his arm & none of them stoped
his running Neithe[r] did they kill him. he was preserved by
the power of God at 4 oclok I met tat the Endowment House & Geor[g]e Q Cannon Baptized My son Wilford for the remission of his
sins & myself for & in Behalf of My Father Aphek Woodruff
& my wife Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruff for my step-
Mother Azubah Hart Woodruff & for my half sister Eunice
Woodruff. G Q Cannon confirmed Wilford and President Brigham Young confirmed me for my Father & my wife
Phebe for f my step Mother & sister I then went to the
top of the Tabernacle with Mrs Woodruff & my daughter Phebe whare we had a view of the coontry
~ Saturday
15. I met at 8 oclok at the H. O. prayer room & I anointed James Agee Smith Aged 80 years who has 200 of his posterity
living on the Earth. He was from Tennessee & a litteral descendant
of John Smith whose life was saved by Pocchontasone of his
Sons with 4 wives was Anointed in the Endowment House By Br D. H. Wells at 3 oclok
~ Sunday
June 9, 1867
I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle President Young spoke one hour & 20 minutes
Afternoon L Snow spoke 47 minuts & E. T. Benson 30. I met
with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer & in the Evening again met
at President Youngs office
~ Monday
10 I met in the morning at 8 oclok in the H. O. Prayer room &
I anointed Thomas Taylor to his seconed Anointing & his wife &
then went to my farm to Labor
14. [FIGURE] I met at 8 oclok & Anointed Issac Laney A man
Noted in the History of the Massacree at Hawns Mill who
was shot to Peaces on that occasion & still lived he had 27
Ball Holes in his shirt one ball Entered one arm pit &
came out at the other 2 Balls went through his breast 2 through
his body above the hips one through his arm & none of them stoped
his running Neither did they kill him. he was preserved by
the power of God at 4 oclok I met at the Endowment House & George
[FIGURE] Q Cannon Baptized My son Wilford for the remission of his
sins & myself for & in Behalf of My Father Aphek Woodruff
& my wife Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruff for my stepMother Azubah Hart Woodruff & for my half sister Eunice
Woodruff. G Q Cannon confirmed Wilford and President
Brigham Young confirmed me for my Father & my wife
Phebe for my step Mother & Sister I then went to the
top of the Tabernacle with Mrs Woodruff & my daughter
Phebe whare we had a view of the country
~ Saturday
15. I met at 8 oclok at the H. O. prayer room & I anointed
[FIGURE] James Agee Smith Aged 80 years who has 200 of his posterity
living on the Earth. He was from Tennessee & a litteral descendant
of John Smith whose life was saved by Pocahontas one of his
Sons with 4 wives was Anointed in the Endowment House By Br
D. H. Wells at 3 oclok
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," June 9, 1867 - June 15, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/R6Pq