We had a rainy Afternoon we met in the Evening
Prayer By Brother CluffJoseph Young spoke 5 Minutes
W Woodruff 25, Brother Faust 40, A O Smoot 30.
~ Sunday
19. Sunday Met at at 10 oclock Joseph Young Prayed G. A. Smith
spoke 47 Minutes B Y[ou]ng Jr 16, President Young spoke 62 M[inutes]
we had an intermission of 10 Minutes sacrament was then adm-
inistered. W Woodruff spoke 22 Minutes G A Smith 5 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Camast Prairie
or Rhodes ValleyG. Q. Cannon & Myself stoped at Brother Smithest, this is a great valley for stock for Hay & grass
yet they have cold winters we held a Meeting in the Evening
in the school G Q Cannon Prayed Joseph Young spoke 45 M[inutes] D. H. Wells 21, G Q Cannon 5 M[inutes] we spent the night at
James Smithies 15 Miles
~ Monday
20. A Hard Frost last night vary cold President Y[ou]ng
& D H Wells rode around the valley to visit it. G. A. Smith G Q Cannon & myself rode to 3 Mile Canyon & held
a Meeting. G. A. Smith prayed & Joseph Young spoke 12 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 15 M[inutes], G A Smith 10, & D. H. Wells 20 G Q Cannon
14, B Young jr 15 President Y[ou]ng 24. He gave good council
& said those who spoke against A Plurality of wives &
in there feelings will not receive it will never inherit
the Celestial Kingdom of God for it has always been practiced
there and always will be & thousands of women will be saved
there who have been trodden under the feet of men & what
will be done with them if men did not have more than
one wife Men are the Lords of creation & God will hold
them responsible. At the close of the meeting we drove to
worship & held a meeting in the school House Joseph Y[ou]ng prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 22 Minutes D H Wells 26, W Woodruff 11 M[inutes] F D Richards 12 President Y[ou]ng 17 Minutes we then drove to Coleville & held a Meeting in the New Meeting House at 6 oclk
W Woodruff Prayed. G Q Cannon spoke 23 Minutes, Joseph Young
spoke 18 M[inutes], R. T. Burton 15 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting
I went into Spragues Cole Mine near a quarter of a Mile
under ground he had a rail way to draw out coal. 20 Miles
Sept 18 1869
We had a rainy Afternoon we met in the Evening
Prayer By Brother CluffJoseph Youg spoke 5 Minutes
W Woodruff 25, Brother Faust 40, A O Smoot 30.
~ Sunday
19. Sunday Met at at 10 oclock Joseph Young Prayed G. A. Smith
spoke 47 Minutes B Youg jr 16 President Young spoke 62 Minutes
we had an intermission of 10 Minutes sacrament was then administered. W Woodruff spoke 22 Minutes G A Smith 5 Minutes
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Camast Prairie
or Rhodes Valley G. Q. Cannon & Myself stoped at Brother
Smithest, this is a great valley for stock for Hay & grass
yet they have cold winters we held a Meeting in the Evening
in the school G Q Cannon Prayed Joseph Young spoke 45 Minutes
D. H. Wells 21 G Q Cannon 5 Minutes we spent the night at
James Smithies 15 Miles
~ Monday
20. A Hard Frost last night vary cold Presidet Young
& D H Wells rode around the valley to visit it. G. A. SmithG Q Cannon & myself Rode to 3 Mile Canyon & held
a Meeting. G. A. Smith Prayed & Joseph Young spoke 12 Minutes
W Woodruff 15 Minutes G A Smith 10 & D. H. Wells 20 G Q Cannon
14 B Young jr 15 President Youg 24. He gave good council
& said those who spoke against A Plurality of wives &
in there feelings will not receive it will never inherit
the Celestial Kingdom of God for it has always been practiced
there and always will be & thousands of women will be saved
there who have been trodden under the feet of men & what
will be done with them if men did not have more than
one wife Men are the Lords of Creation & God will hold
them responsible. At the close of the meeting we drove to
worship & held a meeting in the School House Joseph Youg prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 22 Minutes D H Wells 26 W Woodruff 11 Minutes
F D Richards 12 President Young 17 Minutes we then drove to
Coleville & held a Meeting in the New Meeting House at 6 oclk
W Woodruff Prayed. G Q Cannon spoke 23 Minutes, Joseph Young
spoke 18 Minutes R. T. Burton 15 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting
I went into Spragues Cole Mine near a quarter of a Mile
under ground he had a rail way to draw out coal. 20 Miles
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 18, 1869 - September 20, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gJJk