Afternoon Frederick A Mitchell prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 41 minutes. G. A. Smith spoke one hour & 23 minutes
At noon we visited Wests & Youngs Flouring mill, built
of stone & one of the most substantial buildings in the Ter.
~ Wednesday
5th Met at 10 oclok singing Prayer By W. Woodruff
Capt Hooper spoke 61 minutes. President B Young spoke
50 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By J Taylor. D. H. Wells
spoke one hour & 15 minutes President Young spoke 10 minutes
W Woodruff spoke 15 minutes G. A. Smith 10 minutes G. Q. Cannon dismissed
~ Thursday
6. We drove to Willard City stoped with Bishop Cordon 15 miles
held a meeting at the Bowery at 12 oclok Prayer by Phineas
YoungJohn Taylor spoke 51 minutes Capt Hooper spoke 10 m[inutes] D. H. Wells spoke 5 minutes G. Q. Cannon Dismissed
we dined then rode to Brigham City20 miles
we were here met by a large Mounted Escort of cavalry
& lancers besides a large procession of school children
We held a meeting in the Bowery about 5 oclok W Wood-
ruff prayed then spoke 10 minutes {Had the Spirit of God} President Young
spoke 12 minutes & told a dream he had last night about
the family of Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 17 minutes
Capt Hooper spoke 31 minutes. I spent the night with Brother Box
~ Friday
7. we drove to Wellsvill & held a meeting at the new
Meeting house Prayer By John Mabyan Capt Hooper
spoke 40 minutes G. A. Smith 15 minutes. Phineas Young
spoke 12 minutes D. H. Wells 20 minutes President Young 12 minutes
we then rode to Logan & spent the night I stoped with Wm Hyde 28 M[iles]
I spent the Evening conversing upon my first
mission through Ark
~ Saturday
8 We met in the Bowery for a two days meeting Joseph F.
Smith Prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 47 minutes. G A.
Smith spok 25 minutes Joseph Young spoke 15 minutes
Afternoon Capt Hooper spoke 72 minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 38 minutes Joseph F Smith Dismissed
Afternoon Frederick A Mitchell Prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 41 minutes. G. A. Smith spoke one hour & 23 minutes
At noon we visited Wests & Youngs Flouring mill, built
of stone & one of the most substantial buildings in the Ter.
~ Wednesday
5th Met at 10 oclok singing Prayer By W. Woodruff
Capt Hooper spoke 61 minutes. President B Young spoke
50 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By J Taylor. D. H. Wells
Spoke one hour & 15 minutes President Young spoke 10 minutes
W Woodruff spoke 15 minutes G. A. Smith 10 minutes
G. Q. Cannon dismissed
~ Thursday
6. We drove to Willard City stoped with Bishop Cordon 15 miles
held a meeting at the Bowery at 12 oclok Prayer by Phineas
YoungJohn Taylor spoke 51 minutes Capt Hooper spoke 10 Minutes
D. H. Wells spoke 5 minutes G. Q. Cannon Dismissed
we dined then rode to Brigham City20 miles
we were here met by a large Mounted Escort of cavalry
& lancers besides a large procession of School Children
we held a meeting in the Bowery about 5 oclok W Woodruff prayed then spoke 10 minutes {Had the Spirit of God} President Young
Spoke 12 minuts & told a dream he had last night about
the family of Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 17 minutes
Capt Hooper spoke 31 minutes. I spent the night with Brother Box
~ Friday
7. we drove to Wellsvill & held a meeting at the new
Meeting house Prayer By John Mabyan Capt Hooper
Spoke 40 minutes G. A. Smith 15 minutes. Phineas Young
spoke 12 minutes D. H. Wells 20 minutes President Young 12 minutes
we then rode to Logan & spent the night I stoped with Wm Hyde 28 Miles
I spent the Evening conversing upon my first
mission through Ark
~ Saturday
8 we met in the Bowery for a two days meeting Joseph F.
Smith Prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 47 minutes. G A.
Smith spok 25 minutes Joseph Young spoke 15 minutes
Afternoon Capt Hooper spoke 72 minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 38 minutes Joseph F Smith Dismissed
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 4, 1866 - September 8, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,