Sept 9, 1866
Sunday Prayer By G Q CannonD. H. Wells spoke
one hour & 25 minutes President Young spoke one hour & 4 M[inutes]
Afternoon John Taylor spok 55 minutes G. Q. Cannon red the report of the committee in Congress on Utah
affairs Gen Cornor, Judge Titus, Joseph Smith &
M Cloud were the witnesses against us President
Young spoke 11 minutes Joseph F Smith spok 25 minutes
we held a meeting Joseph Young spok over an hour Mabyan & Mitchels spoke a short time
~ Monday
10 we drove to Box Elder & held a meeting President Young spoke 8 minutes D H Wells spoke 6 minutes G Q Cannon spoke 27 minutes, John Taylor 30 minutes
we took dinner with Brother Snow I then drove
to R. Scholes & spent the night 28 miles
~ Tuesday
11. we drove to Ogden took dinner, had honey in the
comb of his o Brother West raising we held a meeting
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok John Taylor spoke 16 minutes G. D. Watt spoke 38 minutes W Woodruff spoke 10 minutes G. A. Smith spoke 4 minutes President Young spok 20
minutes spoke of Gilbert said the people would be cursed
if they sustained him any longer G. A. Smith dismissed
Sunday Prayer By G Q CannonD. H. Wells spoke
one hour & 25 minutes President Young spoke one hour & 4 Minutes
After noon John Taylor spok 55 minutes G. Q. Cannon
red the report of the Committee in Congress on Utah
affairs Gen Connor Judge Titus Joseph Smith &
M Cloud were the witnesses against us President
Young spoke 11 minutes Joseph F Smith spok 25 minutes
we held a meeting Joseph Young spok over an hour
Mabyan & Mitchels spoke a short time
~ Monday
10 we drove to Box Elder & held a meeting President
Young spoke 8 minutes D H Wells spoke 6 minutes
G Q Cannon spoke 27 minutes, John Taylor 30 minutes
we took dinner with Brother Snow I then drove
to R. Scholes & spent the night 28 miles
~ Tuesday
11. we drove to Ogden took dinner, had honey in the
comb of Brother West raising we held a meeting
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok John Taylor spoke 16 minutes
G. D. Watt spoke 38 minutes W Woodruff spoke 10 minutes
G. A. Smith spoke 4 minutes President Young spok 20
minutes spoke of Gilbert said the people would be cursed
if they sustained him any longer G. A. Smith dismissed
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 9, 1866 - September 23, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,