and swam our horses we then rode to Bennington
and on to Mount Pielier distance of the day 36 miles
we stoped with Brother Dennings we held meeting John Young Prayed President Young spoke 10 Minutes D. H. Wells 16.
~ Thursday
17 We arose at 4 oclok took Breakfast & at 6 oclok started
for the Soda Springs we drove 35 Miles in about 4 hours
found some trading Houses & a few cabbins the first
soda spring is close to the edge of a large creek the
spring was about 36 inches in diameter the spring
boiled up furiously it was composed of Iron Magnecia
& soda as far as we could learn. We drank Hartily
of it we then went to the steamboat spring standing on
the edge of Bear river it seems a volcanic country
we visited another soda spring that was more Acid & Iron
than in the other. We dined & rested our teams some 3 Hours
& then returned Distance of the day 70 Miles
Men & teams were all weary at night I spent the night with
Brother Dennings All the streams in this county abound in
trout which is a great Blessing to the people
~ Friday
18. I caught 7 trout out of one hole near the House before Breakfast
we attended Meeting in the school House Brigham Young Jr
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 18 M[inutes], E T Benson 12 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 15 M[inutes]. He said the Lord has given this
People this land & Elem[en]t to see what they will do with
it. B Young Jr spoke 21, Presid[en]t Young spoke 33 M[inutes] C. C. Rich 3 M[inutes]. At the close of our meeting we went
to the ferry swam our animals across & ferried our carriages
across Bear river several of us stoped on Bear river to
Fish. We caught about 30 trout & then went onto North
Creek & caught about 20 more, then to Paris & spent the night
with Brother Rich family. distance of the day 20 M[iles].
~ Saturday
19. We met at the bowery ^Paris^ at 10 oclok for a 2 days
Meeting Prayer By E. T. BensonD H Wells spok one Hour
& 14 Minutes, B Young Jr spoke 27 M[inutes]. I dined Bwith Brother Duffin then went to Brother Rich & President B Young
June 16 1869
and swam our horses we then rode to Bennington
and on to Mount Pielier distance of the day 36 miles
we stoped with Brother Dennings we held meeting
John Young Prayed President Young spoke 10 Minutes
D. H. Wells 16.
~ Thursday
17 We arose at 4 oclok took Breakfast & at 6 oclok started
for the Soda Springs we drove 35 Miles in about 4 hours
found some trading Houses & a few cabbins the first
soda spring is close to the Edge of a large creek the
spring was about 36 inches in diameter the spring
boiled up furiously it was composed of Iron magnecia
& soda as far as we could learn. We drank Hartily
of it we then went to the steamboat spring standing on
the Edge of Bear river it seems a volcanic country
we visited another Soda Spring that was more Acid & Iron
than in the other. We dined & rested our teams some 3 Hours
& then returned Distance of the day 70 Miles
Men & teams were all weary at night I spent the night with
Brother Dennings All the streams in this country abound in
trout which is a great Blessing to to the people
~ Friday
18. I caught 7 trout out of one hole near the House before Breakfast
we attended Meeting in the school House Brigham Young jr
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 18 Minutes E T Benson 12 Minutes
G Q Cannon 15 Minutes He said the Lord has given this
People this land & Element to see what they will do with
it. B. Young jr spoke 21, President Young spoke 33 Minutes
C. C. Rich 3 Minutes. At the close of our meeting we went
to the ferry swam our animals across & ferried our carriages
across Bear river several of us stoped on Bear river to
Fish, we caught about 30 trout & then went onto North
Creek & caught about 20 more, then to Paris & spent the night
with Brother Rich family distance of the day 20 Miles
~ Saturday
19. We met at the bowery Paris at 10 oclok for a 2 days
Meeting Prayer By E. T. BensonD H Wells spok one Hour
& 14 Minutes, B Young jr spoke 27 Minutes I dinedwith Brother
Duffin then went to Brother Rich & President B Young
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," June 16, 1869 - June 19, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,