Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended a Meeting
in the Tabernacle. L. E. Harrington spoke in the Morning 48 Minutes
Afternoon Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 14 Minutes. I met with the presidency
& 12 for prayer & Attended meeting in the 14 ward in the evening & spoke about
one hour followed By L. E. Harrington
~ Monday
15 I wrote a Letter to Peter Saxe & sent him my Account
I spent the Afternoon in the council
~ Tuesday
16 I received 2 letters from Sarah & wrote one to Sarah & one to Phebe spent the Afternoon in the council
~ Wednesday
17. I sent papers to Wilford & David spent the day in the council
19. I wrote to a Man in Richmond spent the day in the council
~ Saturday
20 I have been suffering the past week with a severe cold but it
is now breaking up I met with the council at 11 oclok & attended to
the school of the ProphetsO. Pratt spoke first & refered to the time he first saw Joseph Smith in the same house whare the first Branch of the
Church was organized said he wished that there could be a small
plain History of Joseph Smith written by some one who had a good
Memory by some one who could remember the circumstances as they
were. said he received a testimony there that he knew the work was of
God it was not by the Administratonion of Angels or open vision but
by the Holy Ghost. He made other remarks. He was followed By W. Woodruff
I said there was one subject I wished to speak upon & that was writing
& keeping a Journal of the dealings of God with us. I have many times
thought the Quorum of the Twelve & others considered me rather enthu-
siastic upon this subject. But when the Prophet Joseph organized the
Quorum of the Twelve he commanded them to write & keep a Journal
or History of their lives & gave his reasons why they should do it. I think
the Twelve Apostles & all the Elders of Israel who bear the Holy Priesthood
should keep a Journal of their official acts & the dealings of God with them
I would be glad to read the Acts of My forefathers if they had never
herd of a God. But esspecially when men are called to stand at the
head of a Great dispensation like this & to build up the kingdom of God on
the Earth to remain forever, they of all men on Earth ought to write
& keep a true & correct History of the rise & progress of that Kingdom,
of the revelations of Jesus Christ & his dealings with us as we travel
~ Sunday
Jan 14, 1872
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended a Meeting
in the TabernacleL. E. Harrington spoke in the Morning 48 Minutes
Afternoon Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 14 Minutes. I met with the presidency
& 12 for Prayer & Attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening & spoke about
one hour followed By L. E. Harrington
~ Monday
15 [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Peter Saxe & sent him my Account
I spent the Afternoon in the council
~ Tuesday
16 FIGURES I received 2 letters from Sarah & wrote one to Sarah & one to
Phebe spent the Afternoon in the council
~ Wednesday
17. [FIGURE] I sent papers to Wilford & David spent the day in the council
~ Thursday
18. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Augustus Moulton & sent him 2 papers
~ Friday
19. [FIGURE] I wrote to a Man in Richmond spent the day in the council
~ Saturday
20 I have been suffering the past week with a severe cold but it
is now breaking up I met with the council at 11 oclok & attended to
the school of the ProphetsO. Pratt spoke first & refered to the time he first
FIGURES saw Joseph Smith in the same house whare the first Branch of the
Church was organized said he wished that there could be a small
plain history of Joseph Smith written by some one who had a good
Memory by some one who could remember the circumstances as they
were. said he received a testimony there that he knew the work was of
God it was not by the Administration of Angels or open vision but
by the Holy Ghost He made other remarks. He was followed By W. Woodruff
I said there was one subject I wished to speak upon & that was writing
& keeping a Journal of the dealings of God with us I have many times
thought the Quorum of the Twelve & others considered me rather enthusiastic upon this subject But when the Prophet Joseph organized the
Quorum of the Twelve he Commanded them to write & keep a Journal
or History of their lives & gave his reasons why they should do it I think
the Twelve Apostles & all the Elders of Israel who bear the Holy Priesthood
should keep a Journal of their official acts & the dealings of God with them
I would be glad to read the Acts of My forefathers if they had never
herd of a God. But esspecially when men are called to stand at the
head of a Great dispensation like this & to build up the kingdom of God on
the Earth to remain forever, they of all men on Earth ought to write
& keep a true & correct History of the rise & progress of that Kingdom,
of the Revelations of Jesus Christ & his dealings with us as we travel
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 14, 1872 - January 20, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,