"Fathers & Mothers will you raise your families in purity
if so you will go into the kingdom of God, if you do not
do it there is ^no^ Excuse for you we have the keys of the
Kingdom of God through the Mercy of God. Can you
understand God & Jesus Christ you can be exhalted in
the same way they were, we are all by the same parents
Now understand all ye people of God, let the spirit of God
enter into your hearts. what is the necessity of Men
having more wives than one, because Men will not do right
ten Thousand young females perish in the streets of New
York. Men should take those young women & save
them & not let them go to destruction. The Men are Lords
of creation & should save the women, but No they will
destroy all they can. A Gentleman will not ask for your
Daughters, but be Baptized & go & save the Fathers & Daughters
of the world & not try to destroy them A Gentleman
will not do wrong.
B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 16 Minutes G A Smith spoke 16 M
Afternoon sacram[en]t was Administered D. H. Wells spoke
46 Minutes, J Taylor 29, W Woodruff 3 1/2, & Presid[en]t B Y[ou]ng spoke 16 Minutes & said are we the sons & daughters
of our Father in heaven, we are. How are we to be Exhalted
into the presence of God, we have committed sin & a divine
Debt is contracted & it requires a Divin sacrafice
& God has sent his son to die & redeem the Earth
& Man & this is in Evry Earth which God has created
& if the particle of this Earth were create numbered &
it would not be a begining to the Number of the creations
of God & still his work is constantly going on & it is
Necessary for sin to be in Each world that the sons of
Men may know good & Evil, & in some Men there is
more & power than in others I defy all the spiritualists
in the world to make a table move or get a commun-
ication from Hell or the spirit world while I am present
I lay uhands upon the sick I exp[ec]t them to be healed &
virtue goes out of me & it did out of Jesus Christ
"Fathers & Mothers will you raise your families in purity
if so you will go into the kingdom of God, if you do not
do it there is no Excuse for you we have the keys of the
Kingdom of God through the Mercy of God. Can you
understand God & Jesus Christ you can be Exhalted in
the same way they were, we are all by the same parents
Now understand all ye people of God, let the spirit of God
enter into your hearts. what is the necessity of Men
having more wives than one, because Men will not do right
ten Thousand young females perish in the streets of New
York. Men should take those young women & save
them & not let them go to destruction. The Men are Lords
of creation & should save the women, but No they will
destroy all they can. A Gentleman will not ask for your
Daughters, but be Baptized & go & save the Fathers & Daughters
of the world & not try to destroy them. A Gentleman
will not do wrong.
B Young jr spoke 76 Minutes G A Smith spoke 16 Minutes
Afternoon sacrament was Administered D. H. Wells spoke
46 Minutes, J Taylor 29, W Woodruff 3 1/2, & President
B Young spoke 16 Minutes & said are we the sons & daughters
of our father in heaven, we are. How are we to be Exhalted
into the presence of God, we have committed Sin & a divine
Debt is contracted & it requires a Divinsacrafice
& God has sent his son to die & Redeem the Earth
& Man & this is in Evry Earth which God has created
& if the particle of this Earth were numbered &
it would not be a begining to the Number of the creations
of God & still his work is constantly going on & it is
Necessary for sin to be in Each world that the sons of
Men may know good & Evil, & in some Men there is
more & power than in others I defy all the spiritualists
in the world to make a table move or get a communication from Hell or the spirit world while I am present
I layhands upon the sick I expect them to be healed &
virtue goes out of me & it did out of Jesus Christ
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 10, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n5ZW