I spent the day in the High Council at the Trial
of Wm S Godby & E. L. T. Harrison Both of which
were cut off from the Church also Eli B. Kelsey for
Apostacy they manifested a dark wicked spirit
President YoungG A Smith W Woodruff & G Q Cannon spoke
I pruned my Grape vines in the Evening
~ Tuesday
26. I covered my Grape vines in the morning & went to the
field & dug my potatoes
~ Wednesday
27. In company with H. S. Eldridge I left Salt Lake City
to go on a Mission to Sanpete with the Presidency & Twelve
we drove to the American Fork & held a Meeting W. Woodruff
spoke one hour & H. S. Eldridge spoke 15 M[inutes]. We had the spirit of God
and a good time distance of the day 33 miles
29. We drove to Pason Dined then drove to Santaquin 20 M[iles]
we held a Meeting in the evening W Woodruff spoke 60 M[inutes] H. S Eldridge spoke 15. We stoped with Brother Holladay
~ Saturday
30. We drove to Nephi & met with the school of the prophets G. A. Smith spoke 48 M[inutes], President Young spoke 30 M[inutes], Joseph
Young 17 M[inutes] we held a Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff
spoke 35, J F Smith 37, Joseph Young 14, & President Y[ou]ng spok 50 M[inutes] I spent the night with Brother Oakey I wrote 3 letters to Jeremiah Stockings to M. L. Shepherd & P. W. Woodruff 25 m[iles]
~ Sunday
31. We drove to Fountain Green Held a Meeting at 12 oclok
President Young read a telegram that the Navahoes made a
raid upon the people of Canarrah & drove off 50 Head of stok
He spoke 25 Minutes, & said now go to & build a good Meeting
House that will Hold a Thousand people you have got the
26. I covered my Grape vines in the morning & went to the
field & dug my potatoes
~ Wednesday
27. [FIGURE] In company with H. S. Eldridge I left Salt Lake City
to go on a Mission to Sanpete with the Presidency & Twelve
we drove to the American Fork & held a Meeting W. Woodruff
spoke one hour & H. S. Eldridge spoke 15 Minutes, we had the spirit of God
and a good time distance of the day 33 miles
29. We drove to Pason Dined then drove to Santaquin 20 Miles
we held a Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke 60 Minutes
H. S Eldridge spoke 15. We stoped with Brother Holladay
31. We drove to Fountain Green Held a Meeting at 12 oclok
President Young read a telegram that the Navahoes made a
raid upon the people of Canarrah & drove off 50 Head of stok
He spoke 25 Minutes, & said now go to & build a good Meeting
House that will Hold a Thousand people you have got the
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 25, 1869 - October 31, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pYYV