22. [FIGURE] I attended the great Military drill over Jordon
& took dinner with Lieut Gen D. H. Wells & his staff & after
there was a Hallow square formed I offered Prayer
as Chaplain of the Legion & returned home in the Evening
~ Saturday
223rd I attended the school of the prophets & the following
persons were called upon to answer to the charges Brought against
them for not attended to the school & other things Brother Nesling, DunbarG. D. WattT. B. H. StenhouseWm S Godby
& E L. T. Harrison. Nesling, Dunbar, Watt & Stenhouse
were restored to Fellowship But Godby & Harrison were
cited Before the High Council on Monday 10 oclok
~ Sunday
234 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day Lorenzo Young prayed & J Gates
spoke Gates spoke 25 M[inutes], & G Q Cannon 41 Minutes I went into
the New Tabernacle with the Presidency & Twelve to see the
progress of the organ. Afternoon Prayer By S. W. Richards D. H. Wells spoke 70 Minutes. I met with the presidency &
12 for prayer & Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening I took
supper with President Young I received a letter from Wilford
& wrote him one in return I received one from I F Carter
22. [FIGURE] I attended the great Military drill over Jordon
& took dinner with Lieut Gen D. H. Wells & his staff & after
there was a Hallow Square formed I offered Prayer
as Chaplain of the Legion & returned home in the Evening
24 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day Lorenzo Youg prayed & J Gates
spoke Gates spoke 25 Minutes & G Q Cannon 41 Minutes I went into
the New Tabernacle with the Presidency & Twelve to see the
progress of the organ. Afternoon Prayer By S. W. RichardsD. H. Wells spoke 70 Minutes. I met with the presidency &
12 for prayer & Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening I took
supper with President Young I received a letter from Wilford
& [FIGURE] wrote him one in Return I received one from I F Carter
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 17, 1869 - October 24, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/o22X