Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the TabernacleA M Musser Prayed H. C. Kimball spoke 38 Minutes O Pratt 40 Minutes Afternoon J. F. SmithG. A. Smith spoke one hour
& 25 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
8 & 9. I spent the time diging a ditch in the field I was in mud
& water nearly knee deep
~ Wednesday
10. I dug ditched till noon then walked to the city & attended a
Mass Meeting of Saints & Gentils conc[ern]ing the rail Road Speeches were
made By B YoungJ TaylorG. A. SmithG Q Cannon Mr Head & Mr Marshall
Resolutions were passed to the Effect that the Rail Road
should go throwgh Salt Lake City
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
11 I ^& 12^ spent the days watering my Garden 12 President Heber C Kimball
12 had a paraletic stroke to day so that his left side was usless
was nearly deprived of speech.
~ Saturday
123. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 58 persons D H Wells sealed 17, W Woodruff 11. The school of
the Prophets met in the Tabernacle at 1 oclok I did not attend but
few moments In company with Brothe J. D. T. McAllister I visited President H. C. Kimball he was wors to day was intirely speachless
to look at him Naturly it seemed as though he would not live
long we laid hands upon him, & he revived some. it seemed
strange to me to look at Brother Kimball & see that he could not
speak to me when I had never seen him before for 35 years
either sick or well but what he could talk He knew me & was
sensible but could not speak. Soon President Young&Wells & Carrington
came in & we all laid hands upon him again & Blessed him & He
smiled but could not speak
~ Sunday
14 Sunday In company with Brother Arnold Raleigh & Groo I rode to
Gardners ward to hold a meeting. the Meeting House was full A
H Raleigh spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 30. in the Afternoon
Isaac Groo spoke 405 Minutes & W Woodruff 35 & Brother Arnold 10.
we then returned to Salt Lake City distance 25 m[iles]
~ Monday
15 I spent the morning choreing attended at the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 26. D H Wiells sealed 3 couple My Indian
Boy Keets has been gone 4 days to Bingham Canyon for a load
of wood & I have heard Nothing from him
~ Sunday
June 7, 1868
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the TabernacleA M Musser Prayed H. C. Kimball spoke 38 Minutes
O Pratt 40 Minutes Afternoon J. F. SmithG. A. Smith spoke one hour
& 25 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
8 & 9. I spent the time diging a ditch in the field I was in mud
& water nearly knee deep
~ Wednesday
10. I [FIGURE] dug ditched till noon then walked to the City & attended a
Mass Meeting of Saints & Gentils concerning the rail Road speeches were
made By B YoungJ TaylorG. A. SmithG Q Cannon Mr Head & Mr Marshall
Resolutions were passed to the effect that the Rail Road
should go throwgh Salt Lake City
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
11 & 12 spent the days watering my Garden 12 President Heber C Kimball
12 [FIGURE] had a paraletic Stroke to day so that his left side was useless
was nearly deprived of speech.
~ Saturday
13 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 58 persons D H Wells sealed 17, W Woodruff 11, The school of
the Prophets met in the Tabernacle at 1 oclok I did not attend but
few moments In company with Brothe J. D. T. McAllister I visited
[FIGURE] President H. C. Kimball he was wors to day was intirely speechless
to look at him Naturly it seemed as though he would not live
long we laid hands upon him, & he revived some. it seemed
strange to me to look at Brother Kimball & see that he could not
speak to me when I had never seen him before for 35 years
either sick or well but what he could talk He knew me & was
sensible but could not speak. Soon President Young Wells & Carrington
came in & we all laid hands upon him again & Blessed him & He
smiled but could not speak
~ Sunday
14 Sunday In company with Brother Arnold Raleigh & Groo I rode to
Gardners ward to hold a meeting, the Meeting House was full A
H Raleigh spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 30, in the Afternoon
Isaac Groo spoke 45 Minutes & W Woodruff 35 & Brother Arnold 10.
we then returned to Salt Lake City distance 25 miles
~ Monday
15 I spent the morning choreing attended at the Endowment Home
we gave Endowments to 26. D H Wells sealed 3 couple My Indian
Boy Keets has been gone 4 days to Bingham Canyon for a load
of wood & I have heard Nothing from him
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," June 7, 1868 - June 15, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,