President Young spoke 40 Minutes He spoke of
Surgery said that A Father or Mother ought to
know Enough to set a leg or an Arm of any one
of there children that should be broaken and do it
up. The doctors make cripples for life by ban[da]ging
up limbs tight & boxing them up. I dined with Brother Pendleton. Afternoon prayer By J F Smith. J Taylor spoke 24 minutes W Woodruff spoke 20 minutes Erastus Snow presented the Authorities of the Church
all of which was received. G Q Cannon spoke 7.
Song by Adams. President Young spoke 25 Minutes
He said my council to the people concerning Liquor
and beer is to let it alone. your grain you want
yourselves the Liquor & Breer is of no yoose use to
you. I dont object to your making root beer for
that is healthy. I wish to say a word about Amasa
Lyman & tell why he is droped from the Twelve
it is because of his infidelity. he has no faith
in the Attonement, & another reason is he has lied in
his confession. He has Preached infidelity for
many years to the people, but not to the Preside-
ncy & Twelve. Orson Pratt does not believe in a
God ownly in Atributes but not in a personage
He would have been cut off from the Church long
ago had it not have been for me. The Twelve would
have cut him off. Did any one of you ever hear of
any one of the Twelve ever preach the baby Resurrection
I hav herd of it Neither of those brethren will
be enabled to do any good. At the close of the
Meeting President Young with some of the Twelve laid hands
upon the Head of Mother Atwood & blessed her &
set her apart to administer to the sick of her sex
Erastus Snow signed the paper cutting A Lyman
off from the Church or from the Quorum of the Twelve
President Young spoke 40 Minutes He spoke of
Surgery said that A Father or Mother ought to
know Enough to set a leg or an Arm of any one
of there children that should be broaken and do it
up. The doctors make cripples for life by bandaging
up limbs tight & boxing them up. I dined with Brother
Pendleton. Afternoon Prayer By J F Smith.
J Taylor spoke 24 minutes W Woodruff spoke 20 minutes
Erastus Snow Presented the Authorities of the church
all of which was received. G Q Cannon spoke 7.
song by Adams. President Young spoke 25 Minutes
He said my council to the People concerning Liquor
and beer is to let it alone, your grain you want
yourselves the Liquor & Beer is of no use to
you. I dont object to your making root beer for
that is healthy. I wish to say a word about Amasa
Lyman & tell why he is droped from the Twelve
it is because of his infidelity, he has no faith
in the Attonement, & another reason is he has lied in
his confession. He has Preached infidelity for
many years to the people, but not to the Presidency & Twelve. Orson Pratt does not believe in a
God ownly in Atributes but not in a personage
He would have been cut off from the Church long
ago had it not have been for me. The Twelve would
have cut him off. Did any one of you Ever hear of
any one of the Twelve Ever Preach the baby Resurrection
I have herd of it Neither of those brethren will
be Enabled to do any good. At the close of the
Meeting President Young with some of the Twelve laid hands
upon the Head of Mother Atwood & blessed her &
set her apart to administer to the sick of her sex
Erastus Snow signed the paper cutting A Lyman
off from the Church or from the Quorum of the Twelve
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," May 5, 1867 - May 6, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 25, 2025,