Left American Fork & rode to Provo in 2 Hours 15 M[iles]
took breakfast at Bishop Millars & Met in the New meet-
ing House for the purpose of Dedicating it to God it was
built of the Prysbeterian order the people were some 12 years
in building it the House was filled to overflowing galleries
& all at 10 oclok, & the Meeting opened by singing & prthe dedi-
cation Prayer was offered By Elder John Taylor which
was written & read President Young spoke 15 minutes Joseph Yo[u]ng 8 minutes O Hyde spoke 2 minutes O Pratt
14, John Taylor 15, W Woodruff 11 minutes G A Smith
8 minutes G. Q. Cannon 3 Minutes & then dismissed
The following is a synopsis of W Woodruffs remarks
"I thank God with every sentiment of my heart that I
have lived to see ta Presbeterian Meeting House filled
with the Saints of the mMost High God & the pulpit occupied
by the Apostles of the lamb who have dedicated this
House unto God this is a glorious sight to me & it Brings to
my rememberance the days of my youth I refered to the time
of my boyhood more than 50 years ago when I first heard
of the pews being sold to pay expenses An Infidel said
the Lord had broke & the people were selling his property
to Pay his debts I thought in my boyhood this was
Blastphemey I counciled Husbands & wives, Parents &
children in there duties President Young said his views
of the great Temple in Jackson Co Mo. was that there would be
12 Temples surrounding a square & the square would be [illegible] ofor a great Tabernacle for the People while the Temples would
be for giving Endowments & there would be doors out of Every
Temple for the Priesthood (who labored in the Temples), to go
into the Tabernacle to teach the People & Prepare them for the
Endowments. Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt G. Q. Cannon
spoke 32 minutes G A Smith 23, W Woodruff 20, Edward
Hunter 25. The officers of the Chu[r]ch were then presented &
received. T. B. H. Stenhouse closed. A Meeting was Held
in the Evening prayer By O Hyde Joseph Yo[u]ng spoke 55 M[inutes]
President Young spoke 40 Minutes
~ Saturday
Aug 24, 1867
Left American Fork & rode to Provo in 2 hours. 15 Miles
took breakfast at Bishop Millars & Met in the New meeting House for the purpose of Dedicating it to God it was
built of the Prysbeterian order the People were some 12 years
in building it the House was filled to overflowing galleries
& all at 10 oclok & the Meeting opened by singing & the dedication Prayer was offered By Elder John Taylor which
was written & read President Young spoke 15 minutes
Joseph Young 8 minutes O Hyde spoke 2 minutes O Pratt
14, John Taylor 15, W Woodruff 11 minutes G A Smith
8 minutes G. Q. Cannon 3 Minutes & then dismissed
The following is a synopsis of W Woodruff remarks
"I thank God with Every sentiment of my heart that I
have lived to see a Presbeterian Meeting House filled
with the Saints of the Most High God & the pulpit occupied
by the Apostles of the lamb who have dedicated this
House unto God this is a glorious sight to me & it Brings to
my rememberance the days of my youth I refered to the time
of my boyhood more than 50 years ago when I first heard
of the Pews being sold to Pay Expenses. An Infidel said
the Lord had broke & the People were selling his Property
to Pay his debts I thought in my boyhood this was
Blastphemey. I counciled Husbands & wives, Parents &
children in there duties [FIGURE] President Young said his vision
of the great Temple in Jackson Co Mo. was that there would be
12 Temples surrounding a square & the square would be [illegible]
for a great Tabernacle for the People while the Temples would
be for giving Endowments & there would be doors out of Every
Temple for the Priesthood (who labored in the Temple), to go
into the Tabernacle to teach the People & Prepare them for the
Endowments. Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt G. Q. Cannon
spoke 32 minutes G A Smith 23, W Woodruff 20, Edward
Hunter 25. The officers of the Church were then Presented &
Received. T. B. H. Stenhouse closed. A Meeting was Held
in the Evening Prayer By O Hyde Joseph Young spoke 55 Minutes
President Young spoke 40 Minutes
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," August 24, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 25, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4xz1