22nd We Met at the Bowery for a 2 days Meeting. W Woodruff
opened By prayer President Young spoke 18 M[inutes] Joseph Young spoke
61, G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes (At the close of the meeting
we laid hands upon 2 that were sick then rode a mile & laid
hands upon a sick sister that had lain upon her right side
3 years with a broaken spine or sumthing like it. Lorenzo Snow
took dinner with me at Brother Turbits one of the greatest
curiosities with the above woman was she had a young Babe
ownly 3 Months old) Afternoon Prayer By D P. Kimball
President Young related the circumstances of Wm Miller being
arested for Brigham Young hence came the proverb of Bogus
Brigham. He spoke 13 M, J F Smith spoke 48 Minutes
David Kimball spoke 10 M President Young spoke 31. at the
close of the Meeting we took supper with Brother Thatcher
then went to the Bishops & herd a case tried
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I met with the Sunday school & addressed them
followed By Joseph Young. Meeting opened at 10 oclk Joseph Young
prayed W. Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes. E F Sheets spoke
30 Minutes this Makes 28 Meetings on our Journey Afternoon J. W. Young prayed Joseph Young spoke 37 M[inutes], G A Smith 25 L Snow 13, President Young 25 Minutes & gave the Best of coun-
cil to the people G A Smith Dismissed we then rode to Box Elder, & spent the night at Brother L. Snows 30 Miles
~ Monday
24. We rode to Ogden in our carriages & there met a
great celebration of the 24. A great procession orations
speeches &c. I here Met with Col Saxe I saw his flock
of Cotsworld sheetp the finest flock I ever saw after
spending several hours in ogden we took cars & arived home
in S. L. City & spent the night with my family 60 Miles
~ Tuesday
25 I spent the day choreing I received 2 letters
~ Wednesday
26. I went to Ogden & sold sheep to Northern Brethren
& returned home 80 Miles
22nd we Met at the Bowery for a 2 days Meeting W Woodruff
opened By Prayer President Young spoke 18 Minutes Joseph Young spoke
61 G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes (At the close of the meeting
we laid hands upon 2 that were sick then rode a mile & laid
hands upon a sick sister that had lain upon her right side
3 years with a broaken spine or sumthing like it. Lorenzo Snow
took dinner with me at Brother Turbits one of the greatest
curiosities with the above woman was she had a young Babe
ownly 3 Months old) Afternoon Prayer by D P. Kimball
President Young related the Circumstances of Wm Miller being
arested for Brigham Young hence came the proverb of Bogus
Brigham He spoke 13 Minutes, J F Smith spoke 48 Minutes
David Kimball spoke 10 Minutes President Young spoke 31. at the
close of the Meeting we took Supper with Brother Thatcher
then went to the Bishops & herd a case tried
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I met with the sunday school & addressed them
followed By Joseph Young. Meeting opened at 10 oclk Joseph Young
Prayed W. Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes E F Sheets spoke
30 Minutes this Makes 28 Meetings on our Journey Afternoon
J. W. Young prayed Joseph Young spoke 37 Minutes, G A Smith 25
L Snow 13, President Young 25 Minutes & gave the Best of council to the people G A Smith Dismissed we then rode to
Box Elder, & spent the night at Brother L. Snows 30 Miles
~ Monday
24. [FIGURE] We rode to Ogden in our carriages & there met a
great celebration of the 24. A great procession orations
speeches &c I here Met with Col Saxe I saw his flock
of Cotsworld sheep the finest flock I ever saw after
spending several hours in ogden we took cars & arived home
in S. L City & spent the night with my family 60 Miles
~ Tuesday
25 I spent the day choreing I received 2 letters
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 26. I went to Ogden & sold sheep to Northern Brethren
& Returned home 80 Miles
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 21, 1871 - July 27, 1871, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 29, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/9rQB