17. ^Sunday^ We had a large fall of snow last night & it took me nearly all
day to get the snow off my roofs I did not go to
Meeting G. Q. Cannon & others spoke I went down to the farm in the Evening in a snow storm
~ Monday
18. I spent most of the day at the farm feeding stock & shufling
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
19 to 22nd I spent the time to the Legislative Council & on
committies I wrote 34 Letters to Wilford, & sent him a draft of £20. I wrote to Justin Wixem, & Azmon Woodruff
& Susan Scholes I received 3 letters. The Quorum of the
^22^ Twelve 10 of them met at Sister Jane Blackhurst as usual
to partake of a feast all of the Twelve were there Except Orson Pratt in England & Lorenzo Snow in Great Salt
Lake City but not well. We had a splended supper after
which A speech was called for from all the Twelve
Sister Jane Blackhurst made the first speech said she
was like the Miser who hoarded up piles of Gold but still
wanted More she had had the blessings of the Presidency &
Twelve for many years but she wanted it continued. E T Benson
followed & made a spirited speech followed By F. D. Richards A Lyman A song from E. Snow. W. Woodruff followed Orson Hyde who Blessed Jane & the Twelve W. Woodruff
said, I feel like saying a few words to Jane Blackhurst
In the History of the whole world I do not know of a woman
occupying the position of Sister Jane. A woman once fed
one Prophet Elisha [Elijah] in time of Famine & the prophet increased the
cruse of Oil & measure of meal through the famine [1 Kings 17:9-16] & one or
two women was last at the cross [John 19:25] & Earliest at the grave of
Jesus. [Mark 16:1-9] But Jane Blackhurst has made a feast for the Presid-
ency & Twelve, some fifteen Apostles & Prophets annually
for the last fifteen years although she is a poor crippled
woman, therefore I will say unto Sister Jane in the name
of Jesus Christ as an Appostle that all the Blessings which
17. We had a large fall of snow last night & it took me nearly all
Sunday day to get the snow off my roofs I did not go to
Meeting G. Q. Cannon & others spoke I went down to the
farm in the Evening in a snow storm
~ Monday
18. I spent most of the day at the farm feeding stock & shufling
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
19 22nd I spent the time to the Legislative Council & on
committies I wrote4 Letters to Wilford, & sent him a
[FIGURE] draft of £20. I wrote to Justin Wixem, & Azmon Woodruf
& Susan Scholes I received 3 letters. The Quorum of the22 [FIGURE] Twelve 10 of them met at Sister Jane Blackhurst as usual
to partake of a feast all of the Twelve were there Except
Orson Pratt in England & Lorenzo Snow in Great Salt
Lake City but not well. We had a splended supper after
which A speech was called for from all the Twelve
Sister Jane Blackhurst made the first speech said she
was like the Miser who hoarded up piles of Gold but still
wanted More she had had the blessings of the Presidency &
Twelve for many years but she wanted it continued. E T Benson
followed & made a spirited speech followed By F. D. RichardsA Lyman A song from E. Snow, W. Woodruff followed
Orson Hyde who Blessed Jane & the Twelve W. Woodruff
said, I feel like saying a few words to Jane Blackhurst
In the History of the whole world I do not know of a woman
occupying the position of Sister Jane. A woman once fed
one Prophet Elisha in time of Famine & the prophet increased the
cruse of Oil & a measure of meal through the famine & one or
two women was last at the cross & Earliest at the grave of
Jesus. But Jane Blackhurst has made a feast for the Presidency & Twelve, some fifteen Apostles & Prophets annually
for the last fifteen years although she is a poor crippled
woman, therefore I will say unto Sister Jane in the name
of Jesus Christ as an Appostle that all the Blessings which
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 16, 1865 - December 22, 1865, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rkZp