which have been promised you by the Appostles shall be fulfilled
upon your head & when you get through with the toils of this life
you shall come forth in the Morning of the first resurrection
clothed with glory immortality & Eternal Life, & you shall have
the privilege of associating in the Celestial kingdom of God with
these vary Apostles & Prophets whom you have been feasting
Annually for the last fifteen years (Brother & Sister Blackhurst
came over the sea with the Twelve in the ship Rochester in 1841)
I will also say to the Twelve concerning the Kingdom of God whom
you are called to build up, that when the Lord sent the Angel to visit Joseph Smith to deliver unto him the Book of Mormon The devil
done all in his power to destroy the work in the butd & stop the organ-
ization of the Church upon the Earth this was before there was any
church or kingdom of God or Prophet or Appostle upon the Earth
yet the Lord watched vover the work & frustrated the power of the
devil & has contained to do it untill to day in spite of Earth
& Hell. Will not the Lord continue to watch over his Church
kingdom &work & people untill the End. will he not hear & answer
the prayers of the Prophets, Appostles, & Saints, whose Prayers
are asscending into the Ears of the Lord of Saboath daily. yes
he assuredly will. He will sustain Zion & his Kingdom upon
the Earth untill the Law shall go forth of Zion & the world of the
Lord from Jerrusalem & he will destroy his Enemies &
those that fight against Mount Zion The God of Israel
sufferd Joseph Smith the Prophet to be martered & his brother Hiram that they might be crowned in the presence of God
& the Nation was worthy to shed Innocent Blood, who slew
them & they will be destroyed & cast down to Hell Ye
Apostles of the Lamb still remain upon the Earth to build
upon the foundation which the prophet Joseph has laid
you have labored & toiled many years to build up Zion & to
bring souls into the kingdom of God. You have been Blessed
& shall be unto the End & you shall overcome your Enemies
I care not what Congress or the Nation attempts to
do against us God will overthrow them & hege up their
way other remarks were made by the speakers
which have been promised you by the Apostles shall be fulfilled
upon your head & when you get through with the toils of this life
you shall come forth in the Morning of the first resurrection
clothed with glory immortality & Eternal Life, & you shall have
the privilege of associating in the Celestial kingdom of God with
these vary Apostles & Prophets whom you have been feasting
Annually for the last fifteen years (Brother & Sister Blackhurst
came over the sea with the Twelve in the ship Rochester in 1841)
I will also say to the Twelve concerning the Kingdom of God whom
you are called to build up, that when the Lord sent the Angel to visit
Joseph Smith to deliver unto him the Book of Mormon. The devil
done all in his power to destroy the work in the bud & stop the organization of the church upon the Earth this was before there was any
church or kingdom of God or Prophet or Appostle upon the Earth
yet the Lord watchedover the work & frustrated the power of the
devil & has contained to do it untill to day in spite of Earth
& Hell, will not the Lord continue to watch over his church
kingdomwork & people untill the End. will he not hear & answer
the prayers of the Prophets, Appostles, & Saints, whose Prayers
are asscending into the Ears of the Lord of Saboath daily. yes
he assuredly will. He will sustain Zion & his Kingdom upon
the Earth untill the Law shall go forth of Zion & the word of the
Lord from Jerrusalem & he will destroy his Enemies &
those that fight against Mount Zion. The God of Israel
suffered Joseph Smith the Prophet to be martered & his brother
Hiram that they might be crowned in the presence of God
& the Nation was worthy to shed Innocent Blood, who slew
them & they will be destroyed & cast down to Hell. Ye
Apostles of the Lamb still remain upon the Earth to build
upon the foundation which the prophet Joseph has laid
you have labored & toiled many years to build up Zion & to
bring souls into the kingdom of God. You have been Blessed
& shall be unto the End & you shall overcome your Enemies
I care not what Congress or the Nation attempts to
do against us God will overthrow them & hege up their
way other remarks were made by the speakers
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 22, 1865, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/v2q5