all the world, some more, some less, but all have to exercise patience
and by so doing show their devotion to God and His cause, and their
works will in tijme shine forth out of the darkness that surrounds the
world. God will be glorified through our labors and our love of our
Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Satan is pressing the saints everywhere
possible. He knows his time is short and he loses no opportunity to
oppress the saints and if possible to overcome. This we know he cannot,
but he will try, and we must resist evil and do good, labor faithfully
and diligently and never tire, and although we cannot do as we like,
let us not forget that this work is of God. He guides and he will in-
spire his servants to mogve at the right time and in the right place.
Wherefore, let us love, respect and pray for His servants that they may
have the Holy Spirit to guide them and that the saints may have the Com-
forter to help them to understand their counsels and to carry them out.
This work is great. We mean the work of redemption, and the laborers are
few in comparison to the greatness of the work. Calls for elders and
Gospel knowledge are extensive and where the nations seem ripe to havrvest
many are sent and many precious souls are redeemed from the false doc-
trines and traditions of the world and as soon as the way seems clear the
work in will be pushed forward. For, to the land of are
made great promises, and if you remain faithful you will be instrumental
by your prayers, faith and works to help fulfil many fof the glorious
promises. Teach your children as best you can the Gospel of Christ, so
that when they are eight years old they can be baptized and confirmed
members of Hic Church, for so has God commanded us in these days. And
until you can be gathered to one place where you can have the home rule,
the laws and privileges of the country affords, let your children attend
the Protestant schools and learn to read and write and do the best you
can for them, and God will give the children sufficient of His Spirit
to discern good from evil. Let dfather and mother teach and exhort them
all the world, some more, some less, but all have to exercise patience
and by so doing show their devotion to God and His cause, and their
works will in time shine forth out of the darkness that surrounds the
world. God will be glorified through our labors and our love of our
Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Satan is pressing the saints everywhere
possible. He knows his time is short and he loses no opportunity to
oppress the saints and if possible to overcome. This we know he cannot,
but he will try, and we must resist evil and do good, labor faithfully
and diligently and never tire, and although we cannot do as we like,
let us not forget that this work is of God. He guides and he will inspire his servants to move at the right time and in the right place.
Wherefore, let us love, respect and pray for His servants that they may
have the Holy Spirit to guide them and that the saints may have the Comforter to help them to understand their counsels and to carry them out.
This work is great. We mean the work of redemption, and the laborers are
few in comparison to the greatness of the work. Calls for elders and
Gospel knowledge are extensive and where the nations seem ripe to harvest
many are sent and many precious souls are redeemed from the false doctrines and traditions of the world and as soon as the way seems clear the
work in will be pushed forward. For, to the land of are
made great promises, and if you remain faithful you will be instrumental
by your prayers, faith and works to help fulfil manyof the glorious
promises. Teach your children as best you can the Gospel of Christ, so
that when they are eight years old they can be baptized and confirmed
members of Hic Church, for so has God commanded us in these days. And
until you can be gathered to one place where you can have the home rule,
the laws and privileges of the country affords, let your children attend
the Protestant schools and learn to read and write and do the best you
can for them, and God will give the children sufficient of His Spirit
to discern good from evil. Letfather and mother teach and exhort them