[Joseph Smith Papers Document] kingdom as at the Beginning which is according to the
order of heaven with Seers prophets, Apostles, Elders
Priests, Bishops, Teachers, Revelation, Administering
of Angels gifts, graces, Knowledge, wisdom, tongues
healings &c. &c. Truly the Lord has raised up Joseph
the Seer outf the seed of Abraham out of the loins
of ancient Joseph, & is now clothing him with mighty
power & wisdom & knowledge which is more clear-
ly manifest & felt in the midst of his intimate friends
than any other class of mankind. The Lord is
Blessing Joseph with power to reveal the mysteries of
the kingdom of God; to translate through the Urim
& Thummim Ancient records & Hyeroglyphics as
old as Abraham or Adam, which causes our
hearts to burns within us while we behold their glori-
ous truths opened unto us.
Joseph the Seer
has presented us some of the Book of Abraham which
was written by his own hand but hid from the
knowledge of man for the last four thousand years but
has now come to light through the mercy of God.
Joseph has had these records in his possession for
several years but has never presented them before
the world in the english language untill now. But
he is now about to publish it to the world or parts
of it by publishing it in the Times & Seasons, for
Joseph the Seer is now the Editor of that paper
& Elder Taylor assists him in writing while it has fallen
to my lot to take charge of the Business part of
the esstablishment. I have had the privilege this day
of assisting in setting the TIPE for printing
the first peace of the BOOK OF ABRAHAM
that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the EARTH in the LASTDAYS
My soul has been much edifyed of late from
time to time in hearing Joseph the Seer convers
about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. truly
GOD is with him & is making him mighty in wisdom
& knowledge & I am convinced for myself that
none of the Prophets Seers or Revelators of the Earth
haven ever accomplished a greater work thatn
will be accomplished in the Last days through the
mercy of God By JOSEPH THE SEER
kingdom as at the beginning which is according to the
order of heaven with seers prophets, Apostles, Elders
Priests, Bishops, Teachers, Revelation, Administering
of Angels gifts, graces, Knowledge, wisdom, tongues
healings &c. &c. Truly the Lord has raised up Joseph
the seer of the seed of Abraham out of the loins
of ancient Joseph, & is now clothing him with mighty
power & wisdom & knowledge which is more clearly manifest & felt in the midst of his intimate friends
than any other class of mankind. The Lord is
Blessing Joseph with Power to reveal the mysteries of
the kingdom of God; to translate through the Urim
& Thummim Ancient records & Hyeroglyphics as
old as Abraham or Adam, which causes our
hearts to burn within us while we behold their glorious truths opened unto us. Joseph the Seer
has presented us some of the Book of Abraham which
was written by his own hand but hid from the
knowledge of man for the last four thousand years but
has now come to light through the mercy of God.
Joseph has had these records in his possession for
several years but has never presented them before
the world in the english language untill now. But
he is now about to publish it to the world or parts
of it by publishing it in the Times & Seasons, for
Joseph the Seer is now the Editor of that paper
& Elder Taylor assists him in writing while it has fallen
to my lot to take charge of the Business part of
the esstablishment. I have had the privilege this day
of assisting in setting the TIPE for printing
the first peace of the BOOK OF ABRAHAM
that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the
My soul has been much edifyed of late from
time to time in hearing Joseph the Seer convers
about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, truly
GOD is with him & is making him mighty in wisdom
& knowledge & I am convinced for myself that
none of the Prophets Seers or Revelators of the Earth
have ever accomplished a greater work than
will be accomplished in the Last days through the
mercy of God By JOSEPH THE SEER
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," February 19, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/163