when I see a saint eat & lie down & sleep without praying
I think that man is in the road to ruin. there is sufficient
before our eyes to cause us to pray. I do not think there
ever was a greater miracle than this people coming here
& doing what they have done How has this been accomplished
by the faith of the faithful of this people & the blessings of the
Lord upon us. I have often wondered why so few out of
the thousands who hear the testimony of the servants of God have
received it & again whoy so few remain faithful to the end
who do receive it. it is because they have lost their faith if
they ever had any. we should not ownly have faith but
works & treasure up evry useful knowledge within our reach
for I do not believe that the spirit of God will go out of his
course to te[a]ch men those things which they are to lazy to
learn when they have the means within their reach. I
know that this people can learn more in 3 months than
other people can in 12. He spoke of schools and the duty
of parents to children He said that the painter & artest presented
their paintings & sculpture which were preserved as the
choice monuments of art & greatness but mothers & teachers
will make an impression upon the mind of youth which
will last long after the painting is worn to threads & the
marble crumbles to dust.
At 7 oclock in the evening the People again assembled at
the school House & were addressed by Elder T. D Brown
addressed the people. He said I am appointed a missionar
but in another part of the vineyard I felt a desire to come
to this place it does not seem but a short time since I began
travelling & preaching I have thought of the words of Brother Clemets
do we believe in God I have thought much upon this subject
I have spent most of my time for the last two years among the Indians I have seen much of the dealings of the Lord
among that people & we have been blessed in admin-
istering unto them. I have red of late the History of Joseph as published by O Pratt the simple testimony
in that work is Good & is calculated to do much good
the instance of his lameness & under the necessity
of having a bone taken from his leg & the doctor
wanted to bind him He said no bind me not I
can endure what is necessary to be done I do not
wish my mother present as it will cause her pain
to see me suffer & I wish to save her all the sorrow
I can this act showed his strong character in the days
of his youth & his effection for his mother. God has
bestowed great blessings upon this People and I would
Here ask how many there are in this congregation
that are 8 years old who have not been baptized
& there are some parents who do not teach their
children the necessity of it every family should
have in their Library the bible Book of MormonDoctrin
& Covenets & the Life of Joseph, & we should learn
to practice the preceps of our savior we should
love our Brethren feed the poor cloth the naked
when I see a saint eat & lie down & sleep without praying
I think that man is in the road to ruin. there is sufficient
before our eyes to cause us to pray. I do not think there
ever was a greater miracle than this people coming here
& doing what they have done How has this been accomplished
by the faith of the faithful of this people & the blessings of the
Lord upon us. I have often wondered why so few out of
the thousands who hear the testimony of the servants of God have
received it & again why so few remain faithful to the end
who do receive it. it is because they have lost their faith if
they ever had any. we should not ownly have faith but
works & treasure up evry useful knowledge within our reach
for I do not believe that the spirit of God will go out of his
course to teach men those things which they are to lazy to
learn when they have the means within their reach. I
know that this people can learn more in 3 months than
other people can in 12. He spoke of schools and the duty
of parents to children said that the painter & artest presented
their paintings & sculpture which were preserved as the
choice monuments of art & greatness but mothers & teachers
will make an impression upon the mind of youth which
will last long after the painting is worn to threads & the
marble crumbles to dust.
At 7 oclock in the evening the People again assembled at
the school House & were addressed by Elder T. D Brown
addressed the people. He said I am appointed a missionar
but in another part of the vineyard I felt a desire to come
to this place it does not seem but a short time since I began
travelling & preaching. I have thought of the words of Brother Clements
Do we believe in God I have thought much upon this subject
I have spent most of my time for the last two years among the
Indians I have seen much of the dealings of the Lord
among that people & we have been blessed in administering unto them. I have red of late the History of
Joseph as published by O Pratt the simple testimony
in that work is Good & is calculated to do much good
the instance of his lameness & under the necessity
of having a bone taken from his leg & the doctor
wanted to bind him He said no bind me not I
can endure what is necessary to be done I do not
wish my mother present as it will cause her pain
to see me suffer & I wish to save her all the sorrow
I can this act showed his strong character in the days
of his youth & his Effection for his mother. God has
bestowed great blessings upon this People and I would
Here ask how many there are in this congregation
that are 8 years old who have not been baptized
& there are some parents who do not teach their
children the necessity of it every family should
have in their Library the bible Book of Mormon Doctrin
& Covenants & the Life of Joseph, & we should learn
to practice the preceps of our savior we should
love our Brethren feed the poor cloth the naked
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 20, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/7Q8