Plainness & simplicity for untill you receive the fulness of the gospe[l]
of Christ you arne not a proper candidate either for a fulness of
celestial glory or to become sons of Perdition For those who have
not received a fulness of the gospel & the Holy Ghost will not always
remain in hell but be redeemed in the own due time of the Lord
& receive some kind of a glory like the stars in comparison to the
son but whare God & Christ & celestial Saints dwell they cannot
come worlds without End but those who have partaken of
the fulness of the Gospel & the Holy Ghost & they deny the Lord
& shed innocent Blood or give there consent thereto they
commit the unpardonable sin & there is no forgiveness in
this world nor in the world to come, [Doctrine and Covenants 76:32-35] and I wish you all to
understand that if you are Baptized & receive the Holy Ghost
& your Endowments & are sealed up unto Eternal life against
all manner of sins & blasphemies except the against the sin of
the Holy Ghost that mercy cannot rob Justice that after all
this th if you commit any sin you will have to answer for
it & pay for it in this life & if the sin is great enough tyou will
have to be destroyed in the Flesh & if necessary be deliverd over
to the buffitings of Satan untill the day of redemption & if your
sins are not unto death you may then come forth & be exhal-
ted to glory Immortality & Eternal life but it is a great
deal better not to sin at all. I want all the children that
are 8 years old & all young persons & all old people & strangers
that have not been baptized to come foreward & be baptize
& also those who have commit sins for which they should
be baptized for that they may begin to be candidats
either for the fulness of celestial glory or sons of
perdition. Many other interesting remarks were made
by the speaker but no one reporting they were not taken
At 3 oclock PM. Elder Gilbert Clements addressed the assembly
He took for his text "examine yourselves whether ye be in the
faith or no [2 Corinthians 13:5] and said many may think they possess things
which they do not possess & this may be the case with
regard to their faith. do we feel as we once did I think
not at least I can say that many are not as faithful as
they once were I look upon the saints as subject to a comp[le]t[e]
warfare the question was asked anciently shall there
be faith on the Earth when the Lord comes. [Luke 18:8] I know of
No people on Earth that have to make greater exertions
to keep from being worldly minded then this people
for we have been broaken up so many times & driven
from place to place that we have had to labour night
& day in order to live or to obtain the necessaries of life
but in the midst of our labour do we remember our
prayers, do we pray three times a day but says one I
have to go to the canyons to get wood & I have not time
to stop to pray. But I can say I never knew a great
man in the kingdom of God but what was a praying man Daniel was a great Prophet & business man yet He alway
found time to pray 3 times a day & he even kept up this practice
when He became prime minister of Babylon & presided over
all the princes & business of that great kingdom [Daniel 6:10] what a
glorious example for this people for let us have ever so
much to do we should never neglect our prayers
Plainness & simplicity for untill you receive the fulness of the gospel
of Christ you are not a proper candidate either for a fulness of
Celestial Glory or to become sons of Perdition. For those who have
not received a fulness of the Gospel & the Holy Ghost will not always
remain in hell but be redeemed in the own due time of the Lord
& receive some kind of a glory like the stars in comparison to the
son but whare God & Christ & celestial saints dwell they cannot
come worlds without End but those who have partaken of
the fulness of the Gospel & the Holy Ghost & they deny the Lord
& shed innocent Blood or give there consent thereto they
commit the unpardonable sin & there is no forgiveness in
this world nor in the world to come, and I wish you all to
understand that if you are Baptized & receive the Holy Ghost
& your Endowments & are sealed up unto Eternal life against
all manner of sins & blasphemies except against the sin of
the Holy Ghost that mercy cannot rob Justice that after all
this if you commit any sin you will have to answer for
it & pay for it in this life & if the sin is great Enough you will
have to be destroyed in the Flesh & if necessary be deliverd over
to the buffitings of satan untill the day of redemption & if your
sins are not unto death you may then come forth & be exhalted to glory Immortality & Eternal life but it is a great
deal better not to sin at all. I want all the children that
are 8 years old & all young persons & all old people & strangers
that have not been baptized to come foreward & be baptized
& also those who have commit sins for which they should
be baptized for that they may begin to be candidats
either for the fulness of Celestial Glory or sons of
perdition. Many other interesting remarks were made
by the speaker but no one reporting they were not taken
At 3 oclock PM. Elder Gilbert Clements addressed the assembly
He took for his text "examine yourselves whether ye be in the
faith or no and said many may think they possess things
which they do not possess & this may be the case with
regard to their faith. do we feel as we once did I think
not at least I can say that many are not as faithful as
they once were I look upon the saints as subject to a complete
warfare the question was asked anciently shall there
be faith on the Earth when the Lord comes. I know of
No people on Earth that have to make greater exertions
to keep from being worldly minded than this people
for we have been broaken up so many times & driven
from place to place that we have had to labour night
& day in order to live or to obtain the necessaries of life
but in the midst of our labour do we remember our
prayers, do we pray three times a day but says one I
have to go to the canyons to get wood & I have not time
to stop to pray. But I can say I never knew a great
man in the Kingdom of God but what was a praying man
Daniel was a great Prophet & business man yet He alway
found time to pray 3 times a day & he even kept up this practice
when He became prime minister of Babylon & presided over
all the princes & business of that great kingdom what a
glorious example for this people for let us have ever so
much to do we should never neglect our prayers
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 20, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,