LET the reader compare Math
28th 19:21 with Mark 16:15,
16, 17, 18Luke 24th 45, 46, 47
48 with the second chap
of the Acts of the Apostles {and [who/he] will be enabled to see and understand the [apostle's/apostles']
commission without either priest or community}
we have a sufficient foundation for
the gathering of Israel in the 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33 chapters of Deut, Isaiah 12|Isaia4
XII 11 c 49 ch 13th 26 Jeremiah 3:13-26|Jer 3 ch 13 to 26: Jeremiah 16:14, 16, 22|16 ch 14th 16
22Jeremiah 7:8|ch 7, 8Jeremiah 30-32|30 ch 31 ch 32 chEzekiel 50:37|50 ch Ezek 37 ch Zechariah 14|Zech 14 ch
Jesus Christ God the Eternal Father
forum Charles Buck Page 240
compare Jeremiah 10:10|Jer X, 10 with Isaiah 9:60|Isa. ix 60Exodus 15:13|Exod XV
13 with Hebrews 1:8|Heb. I 8Jeremiah 32:19|Jer XXXII:19 with Isaiah 9:60|Is Ix
60Psalms 102:24,27|Ps cii 24, 27 with Hebrews 8:8|Heb xiii. 8Jeremiah 23:24|Jer 23
24, with Ephesians 20:33|Ephi, 20, 33. 1 Samuel 2:5|i Sam ii. 5 with John 9:30|John XIV 30Colossians 1:16|Col i 16 with Hebrews 1:2-3|Heb i 2, 3.
The Holy Ghost Promised to believers See John 14:12|John
14 12Mark 16:15-18|Mark 16 ch 15 to 18Acts 2:1-5:17|Acts 2:1 to 5:17 1 Corinthians 14:2|i st Cor 14:2Acts 10:46Acts 19:6|Acts 19th 61 Corinthians 1:12|1st Cor
1:12 Also 1 Corinthians 12:13|12ch 13 v1 Corinthians 14|14ch gifts 1 Corinthians 13:8-10|Cor 13:8, 9, 10Revelations 13:2-7|Rev
13th 2-7, Revelations 12|Rev 12: Church as a woman 1 Corinthians 12|1st Cor
12ch church a Perfect Body Revelations 17|Rev 17ch the fals
church without gifts or graces clothed in
purple & scarlet Galatians 1:8|Gal 1:8th1 Corinthians 3:1-10|1st Cor 3 ch 1 to 10 Acts 5:22|Acts V 22##
Isa 2 ch house of the Lord 2 v.18 ch 5 v
Sprigs & branches from the gentile
world gathered together from the nations
upon the contenant of America being
the land shadowed with wings that
the rivers have spoiled See the sides
of the north Deut 33 ch 17v the two
sons of Joseph push the people
together to the ends of the earth see
Zion in Missouri North America and
Jerrusalem in Asia whare els is
the ends of the earth
Gather yourselves together O Israel butnot untill all thing are prepared
before yoo. Be sure & send your wise
men unto Zion & her stakes to buy
lands & make preperations before you
gather together, [Doctrine and Covenants 101:73-74] this to fulfill the revelations
of JESUS CHRIST [FIGURE] A word to the wise
is sufficien [FIGURE] Therefore be wise this once
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Page 658
First, Knowledge. Acts 15:18. Known unto God are all
his works from the beginning of the world. Isaiah 46:9, 10.
Remember {the former things of old for I [am] God and there is none like I [am] God and there is none
like me} declaring the end from the beginning {and from ancient times
the things that are not yet done} My {counsel shall stand and I will do all my} plsure
Secondly, Faith or power. Heb 11:3. Through faith {we [under]stand that the [illegible shorthand] were formed by the word of God} Gen. 1:1 Barasheet baurau loheem
vaates havaurates havarau. Isaiah 14:24, 27{the Lord of Hosts}
Math 12 ch 27-32cast out deveils by Belelzuebub
sin agains the Holy Ghost not forgiven 21 ch 10-12{Christ} overthrew the tables of money changers 22 vrs what ye ask in prayer {believing}, ye shall receive 43-44 vrs kingdom of God taken from you & given 22 ch 16-27 entangle {Christ} in his talk tribute money Luke 1 ch 17 go before him in the spirit & power {of}Elias 3 ch 38th of Seth, Adam, & of God. Acts 23 ch 8-9 Pharisees confes angels & spirits, & if
an Angel hath spoken to him let us not fight agains God Math 5 ch 20 exceed the righteousness of Pharaisees
wo unto the gentiles for they acknowledge not as much 1 Cor 4th 1 to 5, judge nothing before the {Christ will} come he judge all Roma 14thch 22 23. have faith to thyself, not of faith sin 1 Cor 9th 20-22. I became all things to all men to save Micha 4 ch 6, 7—gather them & reign over them in Zion Habakkuk 2:14, earth filled with the knowledge of God
Jer 8 chIsraels bones [the for the] Jer 2 ch 11 v hath a nation changed ther
gods which are yet no gods {be} ye {my [illegible shorthand]
thanked [their/there][illegible shorthand][the way/that we][illegible shorthand] and [illegible shorthand]}
see the 2 ch of Isaiah law out of Zion
& the Lord shaketh terribly the earth Ezekiel 20th the {Lord} will plead face to face 33 v Acts 17 ch 30 times of ignorance
God winked at Hosea 12 ch 13 v by a Prophet (was Israel)
the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt Ezekiel XX ch 33-38