Apostles. They officiated in it until
they were put to death. It is by
that that we administer in
this day and generation. The
Church and kingdom of God has
continued to grow from its first
organization. It is true we have
been called to pass through many
afflictions in our day and time.
Nevertheless, the Lord has preserved
His people, and they still live
in the valleys of the mountains.
We have an anxiety to honor God
and keep His commandments, and
to honor our country and the of our Government. That
Constitution we believe was given
by revelation, and whatever laws
are passed agreeable to it we desire
to honor. It guarantees to all men
the right to enjoy their religion, to
worship God according to the dictates
of their conscience.
"But," says one, "I would like to
know how many wives you have.
That is a matter you have
not said anything about." Well,
now, I will tell you a little anecdote
in connection with .
The circumstance took place a great
many years ago, in . A
young Elder just come in met Presi-
dent Rigdon on the street one day
in the vicinity of the . Said
the young man: "President Rigdon,
will you please tell me the meaning
of the horns of the beast saw? [Revelation 13:1]
President Rigdon, drawing himself
up, looked at the young man, and
replied: "My dear brother, there is
a great deal between you and the
beast that John saw," and walked
away. Well, I sometimes think it
is so with this generation. There is
a great deal between the people of
this generation and the . There are a great many
principles that God has revealed in
these last days that it is necessary
for us to understand before we come
to that principle. But as I have
brought the subject up I will say a
few words upon it. The Lord has
revealed to us that no kingdom, no
king, no prince, no president, no
ordinance of marriage, no ordinance
performed by any man from the
days of father , will have any
power or force after death, except
those ordinances are performed by
men holding the Eternal Priesthood. [Doctrine and Covenants 132:7]
Is there a king, is there a prince, is
there a queen,—will either when
they pass the other side of the veil,
find a throne there? Would the
Czar of , who was assassinated
by the hands of the ungodly not
long ago, when he went into the
Spirit world find a throne there?
No. Why? Because the kingdom
of the Czar of Russia belonged to
time. When he went into the
Spirit world that was the end of his
kingdom and power. His kingdom
had not been sealed upon his head
by any man having the power and
of the Eternal Priesthood.
So in regard to all kingdoms and
thrones. You may take Her Majesty
Queen —who has reigned
a long time, and who is perhaps as
good a sovereign as has reigned since
the days of .
When she passes behind the veil she
will find her kingdom at an end,
because it was not sealed upon her
head for time and eternity by any
man having the authority of the
Holy Priesthood. So I will say to
our friends here—the strangers
within our gates—that any man that
marries a wife by any other authority
than the authority of the Holy
Priesthood is simply married for
time, "or until death do you part."
When you go into the Spirit world
you have no claim on your wife and
children. The ordinance of having
them sealed to you by one having
the authority of the Holy Priest-
Apostles. They officiated in it until
they were put to death. It is by
that power that we administer in
this day and generation. The
Church and kingdom of God has
continued to grow from its first
organization. It is true we have
been called to pass through many
afflictions in our day and time.
Nevertheless, the Lord has preserved
His people, and they still live here
in the valleys of the mountains.
We have an anxiety to honor God
and keep His commandments, and
to honor our country and the Constitution of our Government. That
Constitution we believe was given
by revelation, and whatever laws
are passed agreeable to it we desire
to honor. It guarantees to all men
the right to enjoy their religion, to
worship God according to the dictates
of their conscience.
"But," says one, "I would like to
know how many wives you have.
That is a matter you have
not said anything about." Well,
now, I will tell you a little anecdote
in connection with .
The circumstance took place a great
many years ago, in . A
young Elder just come in met President Rigdon on the street one day
in the vicinity of the Temple. Said
the young man: "President Rigdon,
will you please tell me the meaning
of the horns of the beast saw?"
President Rigdon, drawing himself
up, looked at the young man, and
replied: "My dear brother, there is
a great deal between you and the
beast that John saw," and walked
away. Well, I sometimes think it
is so with this generation. There is
a great deal between the people of
this generation and the plurality of
wives. There are a great many
principles that God has revealed in
these last days that it is necessary
for us to understand before we come
to that principle. But as I have
brought the subject up I will say a
few words upon it. The Lord has
revealed to us that no kingdom, no
king, no prince, no president, no
ordinance of marriage, no ordinance
performed by any man from the
days of father , will have any
power or force after death, except
those ordinances are performed by
men holding the Eternal Priesthood.
Is there a king, is there a prince, is
there a queen,—will either when
they pass the other side of the veil,
find a throne there? Would the
Czar of , who was assassinated
by the hands of the ungodly not
long ago, when he went into the
Spirit world find a throne there?
No. Why? Because the kingdom
of the Czar of Russia belonged to
time. When he went into the
Spirit world that was the end of his
kingdom and power. His kingdom
had not been sealed upon his head
by any man having the power and
authority of the Eternal Priesthood.
So in regard to all kingdoms and
thrones. You may take Her Majesty
Queen —who has reigned
a long time, and who is perhaps as
good a sovereign as has reigned since
the days of .
When she passes behind the veil she
will find her kingdom at an end,
because it was not sealed upon her
head for time and eternity by any
man having the authority of the
Holy Priesthood. So I will say to
our friends here—the strangers
within our gates—that any man that
marries a wife by any other authority
than the authority of the Holy
Priesthood is simply married for
time, "or until death do you part."
When you go into the Spirit world
you have no claim on your wife and
children. The ordinance of having
them sealed to you by one having
the authority of the Holy Priest-