must be attended to in this
world. Father obeyed
the law of the . His wives were sealed to
him for time and all eternity, and
so were the wives of all the and Prophets that obeyed that
I desire to testify as an individual
and as a Latter-day Saint that I
know that God has revealed this law
unto this people. I know that if we
had not obeyed that law we should
have been damned; the judgments
of God would have rested upon us;
the kingdom of God would have
stopped right where we were when
God revealed that law unto us.
Why have we obeyed it? I obeyed
it because I want my wife or wives
with me after death; I want my
wives and children with me in the
morning of the resurrection; I want
my wives and children organized in
the family organization, that I may
dwell with them and they with me,
throughout all eternity, as well as
with Father Abraham and other
men who honored and obeyed that
law. This is the position we occupy.
We have obeyed the law because
God has commanded us, and I bear
record of its truth; and so far as I
am concerned, if I can have my
wives and children with me in the
morning of the resurrection, so that
I can dwell with them and with
those Patriarchs and Prophets who
obeyed that law, it will amply repay
me for the trials and tribulations I
may have had to pass through in
the course of my life here upon the
earth. Many men suppose that we
have obeyed that law to gratify the
lusts of the flesh. Bless your soul,
if that had been our object, we
might have followed the example
of the people of the Christian world
—committed whoredom and —without bringing upon our-
selves the cares, pains, and penalties
that we have to bear by obeying this
law. But let me tell you that the
Latter-day Saints look upon adultery
as one of the greatest crimes any
man can commit in this world. It
is next to murder. No, this people
have not obeyed that law because
of a desire to gratify the lusts of the
flesh; they have observed it in to the command of God, and
because it will have power and effect
after death.
I pray God to pour out His upon us, that our ears may
be open to hear and our hearts to
understand the things of the king-
dom of God, which is my prayer in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
hood must be attended to in this
world. Father obeyed
the law of the patriarchal order of
marriage. His wives were sealed to
him for time and all eternity, and
so were the wives of all the Patriarchs and Prophets that obeyed that
I desire to testify as an individual
and as a Latter-day Saint that I
know that God has revealed this law
unto this people. I know that if we
had not obeyed that law we should
have been damned; the judgments
of God would have rested upon us;
the kingdom of God would have
stopped right where we were when
God revealed that law unto us.
Why have we obeyed it? I obeyed
it because I want my wife or wives
with me after death; I want my
wives and children with me in the
morning of the resurrection; I want
my wives and children organized in
the family organization, that I may
dwell with them and they with me,
throughout all eternity, as well as
with Father Abraham and other
men who honored and obeyed that
law. This is the position we occupy.
We have obeyed the law because
God has commanded us, and I bear
record of its truth; and so far as I
am concerned, if I can have my
wives and children with me in the
morning of the resurrection, so that
I can dwell with them and with
those Patriarchs and Prophets who
obeyed that law, it will amply repay
me for the trials and tribulations I
may have had to pass through in
the course of my life here up on the
earth. Many men suppose that we
have obeyed that law to gratify the
lusts of the flesh. Bless your soul,
if that had been our object, we
might have followed the example
of the people of the Christian world
—committed whoredom and adultery—without bringing upon ourselves the cares, pains, and penalties
that we have to bear by obeying this
law. But let me tell you that the
Latter-day Saints look upon adultery
as one of the greatest crimes any
man can commit in this world. It
is next to murder. No, this people
have not obeyed that law because
of a desire to gratify the lusts of the
flesh; they have observed it in obedience to the command of God, and
because it will have power and effect
after death.
I pray God to pour out His Holy
Spirit upon us, that our ears may
be open to hear and our hearts to
understand the things of the kingdom of God, which is my prayer in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.