it was quite A Busy day with me in the city
getting such Articles As I neaded I Also bought
An umbrella paid $2 for it.
Father was quite unwell through the day with
lameness in his hip we started for St Louis at
6 oclok
~ Tuesday
7th We Arived at Louisville And spent several
hours we then passed over the falls & continued
our journey It rained most of the day I wrote A long letter to Sister Shuah
~ Wednesday
8th It is A vary plesant day we glide finely
over the bold Ohio the fields are green & peach trees
in bloom on its banks. Father, Mother, Cousin & Daughter all seem to be well And cheerful
~ Thursday
9th A warm plesant spring day We left
the Ohio and entered the Missippi River
early this morning while Mother And Betsey
was writing letters home to Connecticut Father Woodruff And myself diverted ourselves
by looking at objects through my spy glass
as we passed along little Phebe eat so many
nuts canday &c that she was quite restless
through the night And some Bowel complaint
but she seems cheerful to day while assending
the Missisippi one more towards Nauvoo
I rejoiced at the thought that A few more
days would give me the privilege of again
embracing my wife And children
~ Friday
10th I I wrote A letter to Azmon Woodruff
giving him An account of all our
Journey up to this date we are still Assending
the Misissippi towards St Louis I paid my fare
to St Louis from Cincinnati $6 = $24.
it was quite A Busy day with me in the city
getting such Articles As I neaded I Also bought
An umbrella paid $2 for it.
Father was quite unwell through the day with
lameness in his hip we started for St Louis at
6 oclok
~ Tuesday
7th We Arived at Louisville And spent several
hours we then passed over the falls & continued
our journey It rained most of the day I wrote
[FIGURE] A long letter to Sister Shuah
~ Wednesday
8th It is A vary plesant day we glide finely
over the bold Ohio the fields are green & peach trees
in bloom on its banks. Father, Mother, Cousin &
Daughter all seem to be well And cheerful
~ Thursday
9th A warm plesant spring day We left
the Ohio and entered the Missippi River
early this morning while Mother And Betsey
was writing letters home to Connecticut Father
Woodruff And myself diverted ourselves
by looking at objects through my spy glass
as we passed along little Phebe eat so many
nuts canday &c that she was quite restless
through the night And had some bowel complaint
but she seems cheerful to day while assending
the Missisippi one more towards Nauvoo
I rejoiced at the thought that A few more
days would give me the privilege of again
embracing my wife And Children
~ Friday
10th [FIGURE] I I wrote A letter to Azmon Woodruff
giving him An account of all our
Journey up to this date we are still Assending
the Misissippi towards St Louis I paid my fare
to St Louis from Cincinnati $6— $24.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 6, 1846 - April 10, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,