distance from Baltimore to Pittsburgh 325 mile
I walked through the Burnt district of
Pittsburgh it looked dismal Father went
with me we left Pittsburgh at 10 oclok on
the clipper & rode through the day & night
Father lost both our umbrella's & A silk Handker-
chief out of the stage & to day He lost his best
Hat over board & another Handkerchief in it
~ Saturday
4th We had A vary plesant day And A
view of the villages & towns as we passed by
I perused with much interest the letters to Phebe from her friends Sarah B FossIlus &c
I feel vary anxious to see my wife And children
once more I hope And trust they are still preserved
I have herd nothing from them since I parted
with them At Liverpool but A few days will
soon bring me tidings of some kind from
them My Prayer to God is that it may be favor
able distance from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati 600 miles
~ Sunday
5th Sunday we arived in Cincinnati at
9 oclok I went And engaged my Passage to St Louisis on board of the Lady Madison
for $6 each we went on board of her & moved
our baggage &c on her I spent the day in writing
my Journal And I commenced A letter to
Sister Sarah B. FossFather was quite unwell
through through the night was fearful He was going
to have A fever little Phebe lay in the berth was
with me she was quite restless part of the night
~ Monday
6th Monday I went into the town & Bought me
A spanish saddle, Bridle, Martingiles &c paid $24.75
Also A log chain 2 draft chains 1 pair trace chains
& two garden rakes I paid $7.54 one side sole
leather 20 lb 18 cts $3.50 Also 3 reams of Paper $7.25
distance from Baltimore to Pittsburgh 325 mile
I walked through the Burnt district of
Pittsburgh it looked dismal Father went
with me we left Pittsburgh at 10 oclok on
the clipper & rode through the day & night
Father lost both our umbrella's & A silk Handkerchief out of the stage & to day He lost his best
Hat over board & another Handkerchief in it
~ Saturday
4th We had A vary plesant day And A
view of the villages & towns as we passed by
I perused with much interest the letters to
Phebe from her friends Sarah B FossIlus &c
I feel vary anxious to see my wife And children
once more I hope And trust they are still preserved
I have herd nothing from them since I parted
with them At Liverpool but A few days will
soon bring me tidings of some kind from
them My Prayer to God is that it may be favor
able distance from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati 600 miles
~ Sunday
5th Sunday we arived in Cincinnati at
9 oclok I went And engaged my Passage to
St Louis on board of the Lady Madison
for $6 each we went on board of her & moved
our baggage &c on her I spent the day in writing
my Journal And I commenced A letter to
Sister Sarah B. Foss. Father was quite unwell
through through the night was fearful He was going
to have A fever little Phebe lay in the berth
with me she was quite restless part of the night
~ Monday
6th Monday I went into the town & Bought me
A spanish Saddle, Bridle, Martingiles &c paid $24.75
Also A log chain 2 draft chains 1 pair trace chains
& two garden rakes. I paid $7.54 one side sole
leather 20 lb 18 cts $3.50 Also 3 Reams of Paper $7.25
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 3, 1846 - April 6, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/6827