there was Also much Persecution Among the
Saints During this Publication about 10,000
souls were driven in the fall of 1838 out of
the state of Illinois inMissouri into the
state of Illinois numbers of them shot
& murdered for there faith. The Times
& Season commenced in its Publications oin the month of Nov 1839 in the town
of Commerc. Afterwards named Nauvoo
which is now city of Joseph this publica-
tion has continued from that time untill
the present month Just five years being
now on the VI volumn. During this period
the Saints have Also sufefered much
persecution on the 27th Day of Junde 1844 Joseph Smith the Prophet & Hiram Smith
the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Chri[s]t
of Latter Day Saints was basely shot & martered while in Prisoion whare they wer
cast unlawfully by there persecuters they
were martered by An American Gentile mob
And may the Lord Avenge there blood in his
onwn time & way. The Prophet Joseph gave the
quorum of the Twelve Apostles there endowmet
A few months befor his death. The wasp was
published commencing April 1842 ended
April 1843 Just one year the Nauvoo Neighbor
was published commencing on the 1st of
May 1843 & has continued untill the present
time is now in its third volumn. The Millennial Star was Published in Liverpool England
commencing May 1840 has been published untill
the present time Are now publishing the vi vol
The New York Prophet was first published on
the 18 May 18244 continued untill May 1845
Just one year its name was then changed into
the New York Messenger the first No was
there was Also much Persecution Among the
Saints During this Publication about 10,000
souls were driven in the fall of 1838 out of
the State of Missouri into the
State of Illinois numbers of them shot
& murdered for there faith. The Times
& Season commenced in its Publications
in the month of Nov 1839 in the town
of Commerc, Afterwards named Nauvoo
which is now City of Joseph this Publication has continued from that time untill
the present month Just five years being
now on the VI volumn. During this period
the Saints have Also suffered much
persecution on the 27th Day of June 1844
Joseph Smith the Prophet & Hiram Smith
the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints was basely shot &
martered while in Prisoon whare they wer
cast unlawfully by there persecuters they
were martered by An American Gentile mob
And may the Lord Avenge there blood in his
own time & way. The Prophet Joseph gave the
quorum of the Twelve Apostles there ent
A few months befor his death. The wasp was
Published commencing April 1842 ended
April 1843 Just one year the Nauvoo Neighbor
was published commencing on the 1st of
May 1843 & has continued untill the present
time is now in its third volumn. The
Millennial Star was Published in Liverpool England
commencing May 1840 has been published untill
the present time Are now publishing the vi vol
The New York Prophet was first published on
the 18 May 1844 continued untill May 1845
Just one year its name was then changed into
the New York Messenger the first No was
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," November 2, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 27, 2024,