Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1845

Journal Entry

November 02, 1845 ~ Sunday

Book of Mormon o sacred treasure who knoeth the value

2nd Sunday I wilford Woodruff son of Aphek
have read the Book of Mormon much
during the Last twelve years of my life And my
soul delighteth much in its words teaching and
Prophesyings And in its Plainness I rejoice in
the goodness and mercy of of the God of Israel
In Preserving the precious Book of Mormon &
bringing it to light in our day & generation it teaches
the honest & humble mind the great things of God
that were performed in the land of promise
now called America in Ancient days And also
the great things of God that are nigh even at the
doors concerning the resteration of the Laman-
to the knowledg of there linage & forefathers
when they will throw of[f] the veil of ignorance
darkness And superstition sease there customs
of Idleness filtheness wars & contentions one with
another And wake up out of there fourteen hu[n]dr[e]d

years slumber of Darkness & come to the
knowledge of the true God which there fathers
worshipd untill they fell into transgression
Also this Precious treasure sets clearly before
the honest reader the fate & Destiny of the America
Nation And all the gentile Nations of the Earth
unless they spedily repent of there sins &
humble themsellves beforde God they will be
destroyed from of[f] the land. The Jews
Are also spedily to be gatherd home & Jerrusa
rebuilt to be prepared for the coming
of the Mesiah their King great and important
events are nigh even at the doors with both Jew
and Gentile. The commencment of this great
work & dispensation was like a grain of musta-
rd seed even small. the Platees contaiing the
Book of Mormon was revealed to Joseph Smith
& deliverd unto him By an Angel of God in
the month of Septempber 1827 & transla-
ted through the Urim & Thummim into the
English language by Joseph Smith the
Prophet Seer & revelator who was raised
up out of the loins of Ancient Joseph to
esstablish this work in the last days. [2 Nephi 3:6-8] The
first branch of the Church was esstablished
on the 6th day of April AD 18430. As the
Church increased in numbers persecution
began to increase the Evening & morning
was published in Jackson Co Mo
commenced June 1832 ending Sept AD 1834
during which time the Saints had to pass throgh
a great persecution had thereir houses &
property burned. The Messenger And Advoc
began to be Published in Kirtland Ohio
October AD 1834 And ended with the Elders
Aug 3rd 1838. During which time

there was Also much Persecution Among the
Saints During this Publication about 10,000
souls were driven in the fall of 1838 out of
the state of Illinois in Missouri into the
state of Illinois numbers of them shot
& murdered for there faith. The Times
& Season
commenced in its Publications
oin the month of Nov 1839 in the town
of Commerc. Afterwards named Nauvoo
which is now city of Joseph this publica-
tion has continued from that time untill
the present month Just five years being
now on the VI volumn. During this period
the Saints have Also sufefered much
persecution on the 27th Day of Junde 1844
Joseph Smith the Prophet & Hiram Smith
the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Chri[s]t
of Latter Day Saints
was basely shot &
martered while in Prisoion whare they wer
cast unlawfully by there persecuters they
were martered by An American Gentile mob
And may the Lord Avenge there blood in his
onwn time & way. The Prophet Joseph gave the
quorum of the Twelve Apostles there endowmet
A few months befor his death. The wasp was
published commencing April 1842 ended
April 1843 Just one year the Nauvoo Neighbor
was published commencing on the 1st of
May 1843 & has continued untill the present
time is now in its third volumn. The
Millennial Star was Published in Liverpool England
commencing May 1840 has been published untill
the present time Are now publishing the vi vol
The New York Prophet was first published on
the 18 May 18244 continued untill May 1845
Just one year its name was then changed into
the New York Messenger the first No was

struct off July 1845 & is published up to the
present time. thus from A little musterd
the kingdom of God has grown in 15
years untill the sound thereoff has gone as it
were over the earth. the Church are now
publishing four Papers two weekly & two
semi monthly the Book of Mormon has had
three editions published in America And onl[y]
one in England Doctrins & Covenants or
Revelations of God given through his serva[n]t
Joseph have been published in three editions
in America And one England bothe t the
Book of Morrmon & Covenants have been
sterotyped The bible has also been translat[e]d
Also the book of Abraham by the Prophet
Joseph before his death the Saints numb
number in England Ireland Scotland Wales
& the Isle of Man about 12,000 souls besid
their children. And about 50,000 souls in
America besides their children we have sm
all branches in Australia & the South Sea Islands
besides other publications we have publ-
ished many thousands of the proclama-
tions of the Twelve Apostles
to the Kings
Lords Presidents rRulers & people of all
Nations. P. P. Pratt published many thousand
of them in America I Willford Woodruff
Published 20,000 of them in Liverpool

The Evening & Morning Star was first published in
Moissouri By W. W. Phelps & others Afterwards repub[l]is[h]ed
in Kirtland Ohio by F G Williams &c. The Messen-
ger & Advocate
was published by F G William &c &
Edited by O Cowedery untill the 9th No it was the[n]
Edited by John Whitmer untill the 11 vol no 7
was again Edited by O Cowdery 5 & 6 No. of
the 3rd vol was published by J Smith & S Rigdon

And Edited By W A Cowdery & published by Wm
to the end of the vol. The Elders Journal
being ownly 4 No ever published was Edited by
Joseph Smith & Published by Thomas B Marsh
The Times & Seasons was Edited & published
bey E Robinson & Don Carlos Smith untill
the 4th No of th 2nd vol which was Edied & published
By D. C. Smith Alone untill the 13 No of the 2nd
vol when he was joined By Robert B Thompson
untill the [FIGURE] 20 No which contains an account
of the Death of the Noble Don Carloss Smith
And the vary next No [FIGURE] No 21 vol 2 Also
contains An account of the
Death of Robert B Thompson so in two
weeks the Edtors & Proprietors both died
It was then Edited & Published E Robinson
untill the 8th No of the 3rd vol After which
it was Edited And Published by Joseph
Smith to the end of of the third vol. the
whole of the 4th vol was ^Edited &^ Published by John
& Wilford Woodruff. And the 1 & 2nd
Nos of the 5 vol And from that time untill
the Present the 5 & 6 vol has been Edited
And 8 published by John Taylor. The 3first
31 Nos of the wasp was Published & Edited
By Wm Smith the remainder was Edited
& published by John Taylor & Willford Woodr
uff. The first vol of the Neighbor was Edited
& published by J Taylor & W Woodruff since
that time by J. Taylor. The Millennial Star
was Edited And Published by P P Pratt untill
the 6 No of the 3rd vol. It was then Edited and
Published by Thomas Ward to the end of the
Vth vol. It was then Edited & Published by
T Ward & W. Woodruff. The New York Propht
was Published the first 6 numbers by a commitee

called the board of controll it was then
Edited by William Smith And published by
S Brannan from the 10th No to the 26 After
which S Brannan was both publisher And
Editor to the 50 No after which it was Edited by
P P Pratt. The New York Prophet is Published
by S Brannan & Edited by P P Pratt. thus end
eth an account of the publications of our
periodicals up to the present time. The Lord
God has spoken concerning Zion of the
last days many great & glorious things
By Isaiah & many other prophets on the
continant of Asia And Also by the
Prophets & And Apostles of Ancient days
in America as awell as in this last
therefore Zion must arise
and flourish for the Lord has spoken
it The gentiles know not the day of there
visitation No more than the Ancient
Jews did before there fall. But the
day is at hand when they will feel
the wrath of God for the bitter branches
of the tree are about to be cut off
to make room for the good fruit. [Jacob 5:65] the
seed of Fiphraim in the west will
soon arise with Zion & put on her beau
tiful garments [Doctrine and Covenants 82:14] the House of the Lord
shall be built upon the top of the
mountains & many people will flow unto
it [Isaiah 2:2] And Ephraims Nobles will be of
himself & his Govorner procede out
of the midst of him [Jeremiah 30:21] may the Lord
hasten it in his time And fulfill his
promises his to Zion Jerrusalem &
the House of Israel is the prayer of the ^Lords^ Anointed

Sunday I attended meeting in the
Afternoon & communed with the Saints & spoke
to them. Our child has been vary sick for
several days we have lade hands upon it & anointed
with oil in the name of the Lord And it is now
recovering fast 6 [miles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

242 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Smith, Don Carlos, b. 1816
25 Mar 1816 - 7 Aug 1841
Robinson, Ebenezer
25 May 1816 - 11 Mar 1891
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Williams, Frederick Granger
28 Oct 1787 - 10 Oct 1842
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
426 mentions
118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1957 mentions
Whitmer, John
27 Aug 1802 - 11 Jul 1878
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Woodruff, Joseph
28 Jul 1845 - 12 Nov 1846
34 mentions
76 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Cowdery, Oliver
3 Oct 1806 - 3 Mar 1850
131 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Thompson, Robert Blashel
1 Oct 1811 - 27 Aug 1841
Brannan, Samuel
2 Mar 1819 - 5 May 1889
Rigdon, Sidney
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
102 mentions
Ward, Thomas
9 Sep 1808 - 4 Mar 1847
Cowdery, Warren A.
17 Oct 1788 - 23 Feb 1851
Smith, William B.
13 Mar 1811 - 13 Nov 1893
98 mentions
Marks, William
15 Nov 1792 - 22 May 1872
17 mentions
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

November 2, 1845 ~ Sunday 2nd Sunday I wilford Woodruff Son of Aphek Woodruff have read the Book of Mormon much during the Last â—Štwelve years of my life And my soul delighteth much in its words teaching and Prophesyings And in its Plainness I rejoice in the goodness and mercy of of the God of Israel In Preserving the precious Book of Mormon & bringing it to light in our day & generation it teaches the honest & humble mind the great things of God that were performed in the land of promise now called America in Ancient days And also the great things of God that are nigh even at the doors concerning the resteration of the Laman- ites to the knowledg of there linage & forefathers when they will throw of[f] the veil of ignorance darkness And superstition sense there customs of Idleness filtheness wars & contentions one with another And wake up out of there fourteen hudrd [hundred]
~ Wilford Woodruff
years slumber of Darkness & come to the knowledge of the true God which there fathers worshipd untill they fell into transgression Also this Precious treasure sets clearly before the honest reader the fate & Destiny of the Ameri[can] Nation And all the gentile Nations of the Earth unless they spedily repent of there sins & humble themselves before God they will be destroyed from of[f] the land. The Jews Are also spedily to be gatherd home & Jerrusa lem rebuilt to be prepared for the coming of the Mesiah their King great and important events are nigh even at the doors with both Jew and Gentile. The commencment of this great work & dispensation was like a grain of musta- rd seed even small, the Plateâ—Šs contaiing the Book of Mormon was revealed to Joseph Smith & deliverd unto him By an Angel of God in the month of September 1827 & transla- ted through the Urim & Thummim into the English language by Joseph Smith the Prophet Seer & revelator who was raised up out of the loins of Ancient Joseph to esstablish this work in the last days.
~ Wilford Woodruff
on the 27th Day of June 1844 Joseph Smith the Prophet & Hiram Smith the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was basely shot & martered while in Prisioon whare they wer cast unlawfully by there persecuters they were martered by An American Gentile mob And may the Lord Avenge there blood in his onwn time & way. The Prophet Joseph gave the quorum of the Twelve Apostles there endowm[en]t A few months befor his death.
~ Wilford Woodruff
thus from A little musterd seed the kingdom of God has grown in 15 years untill the sound thereoff has gone as it were over the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
The Lord God has spoken concerning Zion of the last days many great & glorious things By Isaiah & many other Prophets on the continant of Asia And Also by the Prophets & And Apostles of Ancient days in America as well as in this last dispensation therefore Zion must arise and flourish for the Lord has spoken it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
the seed of F[E]iphraim in the west will soon arise with Zion & put on her beau tiful garments the House of the Lord shall be built upon the top of the mountains & many people will flow unto it And Ephraims Nobles will be of himself & his Govorner procede out of the midst of him may the Lord hasten it in his time And fulfill his promises his to Zion Jerrusalem & the house of Israel is the prayer of the ^Lords^ Anointed
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Nov 2, 1845