B NoblesM Holmes and myself when he was ^and^ immediately healed. I met with
the Quorums of the Seventies and heard a lecture delivered by David Whitmore
He warned the Elders to humble themselves before the Lord lest his hand be laid upon
us in anger for the sins and pride which the Elders and Saints were running into in our
days of prosperity as did the Ancient Nephites.th I met in the evening with the
Seventies several were ordained into the third Quorum of Se under the hands of Silvester Smith
there were two lengthy discourses delivered by Elder John E Page and P. P. Pratt meeting
held till near midnight, we were threatened by a mob from Painsville to demolish the bank and to plunder but they did not appear but the wrath of our enemies were waxing
hot against us. At early candle light clouds began to appear ^arise^ in the North East
^and reached unto the North west^ having the appearance of fire and it soon spread over the whole horizon the reflection of the
clouds upon the Earth which was covered with snow had a very ^blood^ red appearance it
commenced at about 6 o clock & continued ^lasted^ till past 10 P.M. Sunday President Joseph
Smith and O Cowdery addressed the Saints in the Temple. Joseph blessed the people in the
name of the Lord and said if we would be faithful we should arise above our embaris-
ments and be delivered from the hands of our enemies.
: An address was delivered in the Temple upon the temporal interest of the
Church of Christ by President Joseph Smith, and Sidney Rigdon. A petioton
was prepared to present to the Legislature of Ohio asking for a charter to support
the Kirtland Safety Society.
Sunday I attended the meeting at the Temple ^president^ Joseph ^Smith^ had been absent on
business for the Church but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from
Israel yet many of the people in Kirtland if they did not make a calf to worship
as did the Israelites, they turned their hearts away from the Lord and from Joseph [Exodus 32:1-8]
they had engaged in speculation and given away to fals spririts untill they were dark-
ened in their minds and many were opposed to Joseph ^Smith^ and some wished to appoint David Whitmoreas prophet ^a^ to lead the Church in ^his^ stead of Josephit was in the midst
of this cloud of dark spirits that Joseph returned to Kirtland and this morning arose
in the stand. when he first arose in the he appeared as though he was much
depressed in spirit but soon the spirit of God rested upon him and he addressed the
Assembly in great plainness for about three hours and he put his enemies to silence for the time being when he arose he said I am still the ^President^ prophet, seer, and revelator
and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ and kingdom of God upon the Earth.
God and not man has appointed and placed me in this position and No man
or set of men has ^have^ power to remove me or appoint another in my stead and those
B NoblesM Holmes and myself and immediately healed. I met with
the Quorums of the Seventies and heard a lecture delivered by David Whitmore
He warned the Elders to humble themselves before the Lord lest his hand be laid upon
us in anger for the sins and pride which the Elders and Saints were running into in our
days of prosperity as did the Ancient Nephites.th I met in the evening with the
Seventies several were ordained into the third Quorum under the hands of Silvester Smith
there were two lengthy discourses delivered by Elder John E Page and P. P. Pratt meeting
held till near midnight, we were threatened by a mob from Painsville to demolish the
bank and to plunder but they did not appear but the wrath of our enemies were waxing
hot against us. At early candle light clouds began to arise in the North East
and reached unto the North west having the appearance of fire and it soon spread over the whole horizon the reflection of the
clouds upon the Earth which was covered with snow had a blood red appearance it
commenced at about 6 o clock & lasted till past 10 P.M. Sunday President Joseph
Smith and O Cowdery addressed the Saints in the Temple. Joseph blessed the people in the
name of the Lord and said if we would be faithful we should arise above our embarisments and be delivered from the hands of our enemies.
: An address was delivered in the Temple upon the temporal interest of the
Church of Christ by President Joseph Smith, and Sidney Rigdon. A petioton
was prepared to present to the Legislature of Ohio asking for a charter to support
the Kirtland Safety Society.
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