are in this , and then it always
would bring peace to the hearts of those
who had to be judged. expressed his
indignation and abhorrence of the scenes
which transpired, in driving the Latter-
day Saints from and .
He then presented a description of the
monument intended to be built to the
memory of Gen. , and finish-
ed his discourse by saying, that he should
always remember with deep gratitude,
and respect, his interview with the Lat-
ter-day Saints in their mountain .
He was followed in his remarks, by
President , and the congregation
was dismissed with benediction by Elder
Wilford Woodruff.
After an intermission of one hour, the
Conference was called to order by Presi-
dent Young; singing; prayer by Elder
, and singing.
President , then rose, on the
business of the Conference, to bring be-
fore the people the authorities of the
Church, and presented Brigham Young
as the President of the throughout
all the world, and also as Prophet, Seer,
and Revelator; which was carried unani-
Heber C. Kimball was then presented
as First Counsellor to President Young,
and , Second Counsellor;
who were severally sustained in their
was sustained as the Pre-
siding Patriarch to the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Willard Richards was sustained as the
Historian of the Church, and General
Church Recorder.
was sustained as the Pre-
sident of the ; and , ,
Wilford Woodruff, , , , , , ,
, and , were
severally sustained as members of the
same Quorum.
was sustained as Pre-
sident of this Stake of Zion, and , and , as his Coun-
, was sustained as
President of the High Council, and , , ,
, , , , ,
and , were sustained as mem-
bers of the same, and , and
W. Snow were voted to be members of
said Quorum.
John Young was sustained as Presi-
dent of the High Priest's Quorum; and
, and , as his Counsellors.
was sustained as Senior
President of all the Quorums of the Se-
venties; and , , , , , and were sustained as his Counsellors.
, was sustained as Pre-
siding Bishop in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
was sustained as Presi-
dent of the Elder's Quorum: and , and , as his Coun-
was sustained as Pre-
sident of the Priest's Quorum; and , and , as his
was sustained as Presi-
dent of the Teacher's Quorum; and John
Vance, and , as his Coun-
was voted as President
of the Quorum of Deacons.
Brigham Young was sustained as Trus-
tee in trust, for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Edward
Hunter as an Assistant Trustee.
was sustained as the Su-
perintendent of the Public Works.
The President, and Assistants, of the
Perpetual Emigrating Company, to gather
the Poor, were next presented, when
Brigham Young was sustained as Presi-
dent of said company; and Heber C.
Kimball, W. Richards, W. Woodruff, O.
Hyde, G. A. Smith, E. T. Benson, J. M.
Grant, D. H. Wells, W. Snow, E. Hun-
ter, D. Spencer, , ,
, A. Lyman, C. C. Rich, , P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, and F. D.
Richards, were sustained as his Assistants.
President Young said, there would be
travelling Bishops, to visit the Bishops in
their respective wards, to see that they do
their duty, and if they do not do it, they
will be removed out of their place and
others put in; when ,
was nominated as one of the travelling
are in this Territory, and then it always
would bring peace to the hearts of those
who had to be judged. He expressed his
indignation and abhorrence of the scenes
which transpired, in driving the Latterday Saints from Missouri and Illinois.
He then presented a description of the
monument intended to be built to the
memory of Gen. Washington, and finished his discourse by saying, that he should
always remember with deep gratitude,
and respect, his interview with the Latter-day Saints in their mountain city.
He was followed in his remarks by
President , and the congregation
was dismissed with benediction by Elder
Wilford Woodruff.
After an intermission of one hour, the
Conference was called to order by President Young; singing; prayer by Elder
, and singing.
President , then rose, on the
business of the Conference, to bring before the people the authorities of the
Church, and presented Brigham Young
as the President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout
all the world, and also as Prophet, Seer,
and Revelator; which was carried unanimously.
Heber C. Kimball was then presented
as First Counsellor to President Young,
and , Second Counsellor;
who were severally sustained in their
was sustained as the Presiding Patriarch to the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
was sustained as the
Historian of the Church, and General
Church Recorder.
was sustained as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles; and , ,
Wilford Woodruff, , [George Albert Smith|George
A. Smith]], , , , ,
, and , were
severally sustained as members of the
same Quorum.
was sustained as President of this Stake of Zion, and , and , as his Counsellors.
, was sustained as
President of the High Council, and , , ,
, , , , ,
and John Parry, were sustained as members of the same, and , and
were voted to be members of
said Quorum.
was sustained as President of the High Priest's Quorum; and
, and , as his Counsellors.
was sustained as Senior
President of all the Quorums of the Seventies; and , , , , , and were sustained as his Counsellors.
, was sustained as Presiding Bishop in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
was sustained as President of the Elder's Quorum: and , and , as his Counsellors.
was sustained as President of the Priest's Quorum; and , and , as his
was sustained as President of the Teacher's Quorum; and , and , as his Counsellors.
was voted President
of the Quorum of Deacons.
Brigham Young was sustained as Trustee in trust, for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Edward
Hunter as an Assistant Trustee.
was sustained as the Superintendent of the Public Works.
The President, and Assistants, of the
Perpetual Emigrating Company, to gather
the Poor, were next presented, when
Brigham Young was sustained as President of said company; and Heber C.
Kimball, W. Richards, W. Woodruff, , G. A. Smith, E. T. Benson, J. M.
Grant, D. H. Wells, W. Snow, E. Hunter, D. Spencer, , ,
, A. Lyman, C. C. Rich, , P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, and F. D.
Richards, were sustained as his Assistants.
President Young said, there would be
travelling Bishops, to visit the Bishops in
their respective wards, to see that they do
their duty, and if they do not do it, they
will be removed out of their place and
others put in; when ,
was nominated as one of the travelling