I will endeavor to occupy a little time this
morning, and while I address my friends, I hope
I may have their attention and prayers; for I
realize that while any person stands before an
assembly of this kind to teach, he needs the
Spirit of the Lord to dictate and direct his mind,
that he may speak unto the edification of the
I am aware that Mormonism, as it is called,
presents a wide field for reflection and contem-
plation; it presents an extensive surface upon
which the mind may roam; it affords a variety
of objects for us to converse upon; but, at the
same time, we want our minds led in that chan-
nel which is according to the mind and will of
the Lord.
We have had some very interesting teaching
presented to us from this stand, during the last
two Sabbaths especially, though I may say that
we have good teaching every Sabbath that we
assemble together in this house. In fact, the day
and age in which we live—those things connected
with the past and present history of this people,
and the signs of the times, are matters so diverse
from the affairs of the nations of the earth, and
from the views of the children of men generally,
that they cause them to marvel and wonder
I felt to rejoice last Sabbath while sitting in
this stand, listening to our President. I will tell
you why I felt to rejoice—there was one main
reason for my joy; I have been acquainted long
enough with this work to know its truth; I have
had sufficient experience in it to see, and to know
that the hand of God is in it, and that it is con-
trolled and guided by the Spirit of the Almighty,
and the revelations of heaven, to know, that from
the commencement of it, it has been the design of
the God of heaven to establish his kingdom upon
the earth to be thrown down no more for ever.
I rejoice that this kingdom is blessed with a
leader, or leaders, who are not ashamed or afraid
to watch over the interests of Zion—at all times
to seek diligently the welfare of the children of
Israel; who will point out the path for this people
to walk in, whether that path may be popular or
unpopular; leaders who will not hesitate to
rebuke sin and wickedness, whether emanating
from high or low places.
Those who have been acquainted with the
Prophet Joseph, who laid the foundation of this
church and kingdom, who was an instrument in
the hand of God in bringing to light the gospel in
this last dispensation, know well that every feel-
ing of his soul, every sentiment of his mind, and
every act of his life, proved that he was deter-
mined to maintain the principle of truth, even to
the sacrificing of his life. His soul swelled wide
as eternity for the welfare of the human family.
He began entirely alone, as far as the influences
of the children of men were concerned upon the
earth, to endeavor to establish a religion and order
of things diverse from anything then existing
among men, a religion that was unpopular and
contrary to the feelings, and views, and traditions
of the whole human family.
Every man that is acquainted with the history
[Reported by G.D. WATT ]
I will endeavor to occupy a little time this
morning, and while I address my friends, I hope
I may have their attention and prayers; for I
realize that while any person stands before an
assembly of this kind to teach, he needs the
Spirit of the Lord to dictate and direct his mind,
that he may speak unto the edification of the
I am aware that Mormonism, as it is called,
presents a wide field for reflection and contemplation; it presents an extensive surface upon
which the mind may roam; it affords a variety
of objects for us to converse upon; but, at the
same time, we want our minds led in that channel which is according to the mind and will of
the Lord.
We have had some very interesting teaching
presented to us from this stand, during the last
two Sabbaths especially, though I may say that
we have good teaching every Sabbath that we
assemble together in this house. In fact, the day
and age in which we live— those things connected
with the past and present history of this people,
and the signs of the times, are matters so diverse
from the affairs of the nations of the earth, and
from the views of the children of men generally,
that they cause them to marvel and wonder
I felt to rejoice last Sabbath while sitting in
this stand, listening to our President. I will tell
you why I felt to rejoice—there was one main
reason for my joy; I have been acquainted long
enough with this work to know its truth; I have
had sufficient experience in it to see, and to know
that the hand of God is in it, and that it is controlled and guided by the Spirit of the Almighty,
and the revelations of heaven, to know, that from
the commencement of it, it has been the design of
the God of heaven to establish his kingdom upon
the earth to be thrown down no more for ever.
I rejoice that this kingdom is blessed with a
leader, or leaders, who are not ashamed or afraid
to watch over the interests of Zion—at all times
to seek diligently the welfare of the children of
Israel; who will point out the path for this people
to walk in, whether that path may be popular or
unpopular; leaders who will not hesitate to
rebuke sin and wickedness, whether emanating
from high or low places.
Those who have been acquainted with the
Prophet Joseph, who laid the foundation of this
church and kingdom, who was an instrument in
the hand of God in bringing to light the Gospel in
this last dispensation, know well that every feeling of his soul, every sentiment of his mind, and
every act of his life, proved that he was determined to maintain the principle of truth, even to
the sacrificing of his life. His soul swelled wide
as eternity for the welfare of the human family.
He began entirely alone, as far as the influences
of the children of men were concerned upon the
earth, to endeavor to establish a religion and order
of things diverse from anything then existing
among men, a religion that was unpopular and
contrary to the feelings, and views, and traditions
of the whole human family.
Every man that is acquainted with the history
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