25 I left Adna Harts & took the canal boat
for Farmington in
company with Aunt Anna
Cossett we arived at Fathers house in farmington
& took breakfast & spent the day at Fathers house
we spent the day plesantly in conversing upon spiritual things 4 miles
29th Spent the day at my fathers house
had a vary plesant walk with Sister Eunice
upon the canal bank walked to Mr Simeon
Harts had an interview with cousin Achsah
Woodruff I made some exertions
to obtain the Hall to preach in but
the people fearing their foundation would
fall because of light & truth refused to
give me the privilege, But O Babylon
thou canst not speak the Scripture or
stop the work of God for I say in the
name of the Lord the standard shall
be set up in Farmington & the honest
in heart come unto it for light &
truth is mighty & must prevail
~ Monday
25 I left Adna Harts & took the canal boat
for Farmington in
company with Aunt Anna
Cosset we arived at Fathers house in farmington
& took breakfast & spent the day at Fathers house
we spent the day plesantly in conversing upon kingdom things 4 miles
29th Spent the day at my Fathers house
had a vary pleasant walk with Sister Eunice
upon the canal bank walked to Mr Simeon
Harts had an interview with cousin Achsah
Woodruff I made some exhertions
to obtain the Hall to preach in but
the people fearing their foundation would
fall because of light & truth refused to
give me the privilege, But O Babylon
thou canst not break the Scripture nor
stop the work of God for I say in the
name of the Lord the standard shall
be set up in Farmington & the honest
in heart come unto it for light &
truth is mighty & must prevail
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