At the close of the meeting I was informed
my son Wilford that was out at Br Benbows was
vary sick I immediately in company with Mrs Woodruff went out to see him we found him
quite sick we spent the night at Br Benbows
we had prayers and administered unto our son
according to the order of the priesthood [FIGURE] & he revived
in some measure
~ Monday
^11 A Council of {fifty} Elders was organized to
day or had its commencment to further the interest of
the kingdom of God^
March 11th We spent the day and night at Br Benbows
our son had a sick night it was a cold rainy time
~ Tuesday
12th A rainy day I rode to Nauvoo & back to get som
things for Wilford saw sever[al] brethren of our
quorum they informed me of an interesting meeting
they had had sunday night & monday. In the
evening Br Lot came to us & we had prayers
in the evening together & administered to Wilford
& he seemed to receive a blessing
~ Wednesday
13 I spent part of the day in writing & returned
to Nauvoo in the evening I met in counci[l]
with the brethren for the first time during
the week
~ Thursday
14 O [I] was with the brethren today making
some arangements concerning our mission
~ Friday
15 I was to work in my garding & met with
some of the brethren in the evening at the
store [FIGURE] for prayer exhortation &c
167 Sunday I visited the sick in the evening
their was a snow storm yet I met with some [FIGURE] of the Saints & gave a lecture on experience
At the close of the meeting I was informed
my son Wilford that was out at Br Benbows was
vary sick. I immediately in company with Mrs
Woodruff went out to see him we found him
quite sick we spent the night at Br Benbows
we had prayers and administered unto our son
according to the order of the priesthood [FIGURE] & he revived
in some measure
11 FIGURES A Council of {fifty} elders was organized to
day or had it commenced to further the interest of
the kingdom of God
~ Monday
March 11th We spent the day and night at Br Benbows
our son had a sick night it was a cold rainy time
~ Tuesday
12th A rainy day I rode to Nauvoo & back to get some
things for Wilford saw several brethren of our
quorum they informed me of an interesting meeting
they had had sunday night & monday. In the
evening Br Lot came to us & we had prayers
in the evening together & administered to Wilford
& he seemed to receive a blessing
~ Wednesday
13 I spent part of the day in writing & returned
to Nauvoo in the evening. [FIGURE] I met in council
with the brethren for the first time during
the week
~ Thursday
14 O I was with the brethren today making
some arangements concerning our mission
~ Friday
15 I was to work in my garding & met with
some of the brethren in the evening at the
store [FIGURE] for prayer exhortation &c
~ Saturday
16 The female Relief Society met at the Assembly room
~ Sunday
17 Sunday I visited the sick in the evening
their was a snow storm yet I met with some
[FIGURE] of the saints & gave a lecture on experience
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," March 10, 1844 - March 17, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 26, 2025,