20th[FIGURE] weather gage Cold North wind a snow &
hail storm untill 10 oclok continued cloudy
& cold wind from the North untill 3 oclock
was plesant during the remainder part of the day
As the 20th of September & March is considerd
as the weather gage to govern the weather
for the year by those who observe the weather
we should calculate by this rule to have
an exeeding cold & dreary summer so that
corn could scarcely grow for this day
is the coldest we have had for near
two months
~ Thursday
21st[FIGURE] I received a letter from Br Dwight Webster
and a paper from Ezra Carter. A cold snow storm
our cow ^[FIGURE]^ brought forth a durham heifer calf this morning
~ Friday
22nd A cold day I spent a part of the day
settelling with Elder John Taylor I met
with the quorum of the Twelve at B. Youngs
for prayer we united together to pray for
the Presidency the Twelve the sick &c
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the day drawing 100 rails from
Mr Middletons to the Lot I bought of Hiram Kimball
~ Friday
22nd Friday Mrs Woodruff returned home
from Br Benbows whare she had been taking care
of Wilford who had been vary sick she had been
there two weeks we were both satisfied to be at home [FIGURE] with our children [FIGURES]
~ Monday
March 18th I spent the day choreing
~ Tuesday
19th I [FIGURE] wrote a letter to Col Solomon Copeland [FIGURE]
I went to the printing office & made an
arangment to take home 200 Bound T & S
~ Wednesday
20th weather gage Cold North wind a snow &
hail storm untill 10 oclok continued cloudy
& cold wind from the north untill 3 oclock
was plesant during the remainder part of the day
as the 20th of September & March is considered
as the weather gage to govern the weather
for the year by those who observe the weather
we should calculate by this rule to have
an exceding cold & dreary summer so that
corn could scarcely grow for this day
is the coldest we have had for near
two months
~ Thursday
21st FIGURES I received a letter from Br Dwight Webster
and a paper from Ezra Carter. A cold snow storm
our cow [FIGURE] brought forth a durham heifer calf this morning
~ Friday
22nd A cold day I spent a part of the day
settelling with Elder John Taylor. [FIGURE] I met
with the quorum of the Twelve at B. Youngs
for Prayer we united together to pray for
the Presidency the Twelve the sick &c
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the day drawing 100 rails from
Mr Middletons to the Lot I bought off Hiram Kimball
~ Friday
22nd Friday Mrs Woodruff returned home
from Br Benbows whare she had been taking care
of Wilford who had been vary sick she had been
there two weeks we were both satisfied to be at home
[FIGURE] with our children FIGURES
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," March 18, 1844 - March 22, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/LRX