I presume ere this time you are looking for me here But I
have been detained in consequence of my Business. I have been here at Br
Neff's most a week waiting for him to get some money for me out of the Bank
to buy paper with the bank will. be open tomorrow & then I shall know what I
get shall go to Philadelphia Buy my materials & retune imediately home. I
Recieved your letter of Sept 10 & 13 & all three of your letters sent Before. It did my
Soul good to hear from you & the children & learn that you was well. It
is a great feast to get letters from you when I am away from home. I now
sorrow to hear of the loss of Br Greenhow I feel to mourn with him, give my
Respects to him & to our boarders & all who Inquire Br Taylor & family BrIsrael Barlow & Sister Barlow
& Elizabeth & all who have sent their Respects to me & those who have not had time to do
it such as Dr Richards & ^W^ Phelps &c Remember me to Br Fidoe, Cordon, Littlewood &c. I was glad
to hear that their was a prospect of starting the house again for I disliked
to have the walls be new timber with out being finished as it would injure
them much. I sent you $15 in a letter By Elder Benson which I trust you
got. I feel thankful to Br Hunter for telling you have the money I wrote
you a long letter By mail in which I made an extr[a]t from my Jour[n]al
concerning my visit in Maine which I trust you got. On my Return I stoped
at Father Woodruffs several days Dwight & Eunice are both getting better
fast all the family are thinking of comeing to Nauvoo in the spring. I vis[it]ed Ilus in N.Y. on my Retune thinks he may visit Nauvoo next year. a large
number of Saints left Phili^a^delphia for Nauvoo the morning that I came
here the Twelve will start with them from Pittsbugh I was expeting to
be with them But as I have Been pardoned I may be left alone but
I shall soon follow after I shall be at home as soon as possible. Br
Neff has sold one lot of Land for $12000 twelve thousand dollars will have
his money the firt of April he was going to let me have one thousand dolls.
to buy paper for the Covenants, & printing office but he cannot get the
money now but will try to get $400 dolla[r]s out of the Bank tomorow
so I can get my winters supply God knows I hope he will succede for
I see no other door open to obtain what we want. I shall attend to
your Request, ^in your last^ I have prayed for the way to be open, so I can do my busin[es]s
& get home I have bought some paper which is Boxed up. I have the privilege of
Reading the T&S & Neighbor which I am glad to get as I pass along
I presume ere this time you are looking for me here But I
have been detained in consequence of my Business. I have been here at Br
Neff's most a week waiting for him to get some money for me out of the Bank
to buy paper with the bank will. be open tomorrow & then I shall know what I
get shall go to Philadelphia Buy my materials & retune imediately home. I
Recieved your letter of Sept 10 & 13 & all three of your letters sent Before. It did my
Soul good to hear from you & the children & learn that you was well. It
is a great feast to get letters from you when I am away from home. I now
sorrow to hear of the loss of Br Greenhow I feel to mourn with him, give my
Respects to him & to our boarders & all who Inquire Br Taylor & family Br & Sister Barlow
& Elizabeth & all who have sent their Respects to me & those who have not had time to do
it such as Dr Richards & W Phelps &c Remember me to Br Fidoe, Cordon, Littlewood &c. I was glad
to hear that their was a prospect of starting the house again for I disliked
to have the walls be 2 illegible words with out being finished as it would injure
them much. I sent you $15 in a letter By Elder Benson which I trust you
got. I feel thankful to Br Hunter for telling you have the money I wrote
you a long letter By mail in which I made an extrat from my Journal
concerning my visit in Maine which I trust you got. On my Return I stoped
at Father Woodruffs several days Dwight & Eunice are both getting better
fast all the family are thinking of comeing to Nauvoo in the spring. I visited
Ilus in N.Y. on my Retune thinks he may visit Nauvoo next year. a large
number of Saints left Philadelphia for Nauvoo the morning that I came
here the Twelve will start with them from Pittsbugh I was expeting to
be with them But as I have Been pardoned I may be left alone but
I shall soon follow after I shall be at home as soon as possible. Br
Neff has sold one lot of Land for $12000 twelve thousand dollars will have
his money the firt of April he was going to let me have one thousand dolls.
to buy paper for the Covenants, & printing office but he cannot get the
money now but will try to get $400 dollars out of the Bank tomorow
so I can get my winters supply God knows I hope he will succede for
I see no other door open to obtain what we want. I shall attend to
your Request, in your last I have prayed for the way to be open, so I can do my business
& get home I have bought some paper which is Boxed up. I have the privilege of
Reading the T&S & Neighbor which I am glad to get as I pass along
W. Woodruff
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"Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, circa October 1843," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/2v7W