Jan 1, 1889
This day commenses a New year. 1888 is past and gone
and borne its report to Heaven of all Men. what 1889
will bring to Pass time must Determin. Darkness covers
the Earth, & gross Darkness the People And the warfare
of Priest & People is still against the Church & Kingdom
of God on the Earth. There is an Exertion made in Washington to Get Utah Admitted into the Union as
a state with the other Territories but there is a strong
opposition to it by our Enemies. I spent the Afternoon
& Evening at OvandoBeebe who married My Daughter Clara He[r] Mother Emma, Asahel, & wife with all
of Emmas children was present Except Nellie
we had a Turkey for New Years Dinner, & spent the
Evening in social conversation I signed 6 Recomm-
endation, Received 8 Letters & wrote 4 Letters
~ Wednesday
Jan 2. I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 19 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 6 Pub & to JaquesWilford & Cummings
~ Thursday
3 I signed 11 Recommends. I received 8 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters I went to the farm at night 6 Mile
~ Friday
4th I spent the day looking over My Journal and
waiting on my Brother Azmon who is Entirely helpless
~ Saturday
5. Sunaturday I spent the day in the House reading I went in
the Evening to Clara, & Asahels & returned 6 Miles
I am having a serious time with Azmon He has become Entirely
Helpless He has to be fed & lifted about
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
7. Monday After attending to Azmon I went to the gardo I signed 23
Recommends I receivd 18 Letters, I wrote 9 Letters Sarah, MaryTenney &c
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] Jan 1, 1889
This day commenses a New year. 1888 is past and gone
and borne its report to Heaven of all Men. what 1889
will bring to Pass time must Determin. Darkness covers
the Earth, & gross Darkness the People And the warfare
of Priest & People is still against the Church & Kingdom
of God on the Earth. There is an Exertion made in
Washington to Get Utah Admitted into the Union as
a state with the other Territories but there is a strong
opposition to it by our Enemies. I spent the Afternoon
& Evening at OvandoBeebe who married My Daughter
Clara Her Mother Emma, Asahel, & wife with all
of Emmas children was present Except Nellie
we had a Turkey for New Years Dinner, & spent the
Evening in social conversation I signed 6 Recommendation, Received 8 Letters & wrote 4 Letters
~ Wednesday
Jan 2. [FIGURE] I signed 37 Recommends I receivd 19 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 6 Pub & to JaquesWilford & Cummings
~ Thursday
3 [FIGURE] I signed 11 Recommends. I received 8 Letters
I wrote 5 Letters I went to the farm at night 6 Mile
~ Friday
4th I spent the day looking over My Journal and
waiting on my Brother Azmon who is Entirely helpless
~ Saturday
5. Saturday I spent the day in the House reading I went in
the Evening to Clara, & Asahels & returned 6 Miles
I am having a serious time with Azmon He has become Entirely
Helpless He has to be fed & lifted about
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day in the House
~ Monday
7. Monday After attending to Azmon I went to the gardo I signed 23
Recommends I receivd 18 Letters, I wrote 9 Letters Sarah, MaryTenney &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," January 1, 1889 - January 7, 1889, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/w0GJ