May 22nd 1887
Sunday I held a meeting with the Atkins family I had the
seconed Lecture in the Doctrins & Covenants read and I made
remarks upon it followed by Brother Atkins we partook of
the Sacrament Brother Thompson arived & spent several hours I wrote one Letter to Thomas Cottam{Thompson said Lyman Smith would ^come^.}
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah, Mary, & Bell.
25 I wrote 98 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice Leslie & Ovando P. Beebe & Leslie W Snow I received
^^ 2 Letters from Emma & Blanch I was informed there was
a great Loss with our sheep I Blessed Ezra Cottam Thompson a child one Month old & Administered to Sister Cottam
she had been vary sick 8 Months. I went down to the Temple
and spent the night 8 mile
May 22nd 1887
Sunday I held a meeting with the Atkins family I had the
seconed Lecture in the Doctrins & Covenants read and I made
remarks upon it followed by Brother Atkins we partook of
the Sacrament Brother Thompson arived & spent several hours
[FIGURE] I wrote one Letter to Thomas Cottam{Thompson said Lyman Smith would come.}
I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah, Mary, & Bell.
25 [FIGURE] I wrote8 Letters to Jaques, Emma, Clara, Owen, Blanch & AliceLeslie & Ovando P. Beebe & I received
[FIGURE] 2 Letters from Emma & Blanch I was informed there was
a great Loss with our sheep I Blessed Ezra Cottam Thompson
[FIGURE] a child one Month old & Administered to Sister Cottam
she had been vary sick 8 Months. I went down to the Temple
and spent the night 8 mile
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," May 22, 1887 - May 26, 1887, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,