^^ I had a Meeting with some 15 Leading Democratts
who were Deeplyincensed because Logan had gone Republican they laid it to the influence of the Presidents
of the Church using their influence to accomplish this
they read several Affidafits to that Effect myself
& Joseph F Smith Answered them
I met with Professor Elliot President of Harvard College which position he had ocupied for
some 30 years I met him & his wife At Mrs Jennings
& took supper I waited upon Mrs Elliot at the
Table, we went to the Tabernacle at 7:30 to attend
a Lecture of Mr Elliot we had the organ played
& Music by the Quire I Introduced Professor Elliot
to the Assembly who spoke about 45 Minuts in
a Beautiful & Pleasing manner And advocated the
rights of all people to the free Enjoyment of all
Religious & political rights. I made a few remarks
& returned thanks to Mr Elliot for his liberal
views delivered I went home sick
~ Thursday
17 I was sick all night but went to the office in
the Morning & spent the Day but was nearly sick
all Day met with the Twelve, & had an interview
with President Elliot & wife in company with
several friends
~ Friday
18 I received a Letter from H. B. Clawson
And one from Enid I wrote to Clawson & Cannon
& Enid. I met with several friends & signed
6 Recommends 2nd It looks like storming
~ Saturday
19 I spent the day at home choreing
[FIGURE] I had a Meeting with some 15 Leading Democratts
who were Deeplyincensed because Logan had gone
Republican they laid it to the influence of the Presidents
of the Church using their influence to accomplish this
they read several Affidafits to that Effect myself
& Joseph F Smith Answered them
[FIGURE] I met with Professor Elliot President of
Harvard College which position he had ocupied for
some 30 years I met him & his wife At Mrs Jennings
& took supper I waited upon Mrs Elliot at the
Table, we went to the Tabernacle at 7:30 to attend
a Lecture of Mr Elliot we had the organ played
& Music by the Quire I Introduced Professor Elliot
to the Assembly who spoke about 45 Minuts in
a Beautiful & Pleasing manner And advocated the
rights of all people to the free Enjoyment of all
Religious & political rights. I made a few remarks
& returned thanks to Mr Elliot for his liberal
views delivered I went home sick
~ Thursday
17 I was sick all night but went to the office in
the Morning & spent the Day but was nearly sick
all Day met with the Twelve, & had an interview
with President Elliot & wife in company with
several friends
~ Friday
18 I received a Letter from H. B. Clawson
And one from Enid I wrote to Clawson & Cannon
& Enid. I met with several friends & signed
6 Recommends 2nd It looks like storming
~ Saturday
19 I spent the day at home choreing
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," March 16, 1892 - March 19, 1892, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/576q