11 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading & resting
~ Monday
12 I went to the Gardo & signed 5 Recommends
I received 10 Letters I wrote 3 Letters
~ Tuesday
13 I went to the Gardo & Signed 4 Recommends
I received 7 Letters
I received word that My son David had broke
his thigh 6 inches below the hip Joint by the Kick of a horse I wrote 4 letters to David sent $20 to Sarah $10
to Newton[FIGURE] we had a fire to day burned Hooper &
Eldridge Buildings burned Loss $85000 dollar insured
about half we held Meeting with 27 of the Brethren
upon the subject of our affairs at Washington
~ Wednesday
14H. J. Grant returned from the East & gave us a
History of his Journal [journey] &c I signed 13 Recommend
I received 12 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe
sent her $5 for Flossy we met with Zions
Savings Bank board we Borrowed $60000
Dollars of Western National Bank of New York
~ Thursday
15 A light snow last night I signed 11 Recommends
I received 7 Letters. I wrote 6 Letters to DavidSylvia Susan, Bleak, Thompson, & Atkin. I met with
the Savings Bank board & with ZCMI Board
Br Grant made his report of his visit East
And the Money He borrowed I got a letter about
my son David accidet He was Kicked by a
colt & broke his right thigh near the Hip Joint
which is a Dangerous break
~ Saturday
Jan 10 1891
I spent the day at home reading
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading & resting
~ Monday
12 I went to the Gardo & signed 5 Recommends
I received 10 Letters I wrote 3 Letters
~ Tuesday
13 I went to the Gardo & Signed 4 Recommends
I received 7 Letters
[FIGURE] I received word that My son David had broke
his thigh 6 inches below the hip Joint by the Kick of a
[FIGURE] horse I wrote 4 letters to David sent $20 to Sarah $10
to Newton [FIGURE] we had a fire to day burned Hooper &
Eldridge Buildings burned Loss $85000 dollar insured
about half we held Meeting with 27 of the Brethren
upon the subject of our affairs at Washington
~ Wednesday
14H. J. Grant returned from the East & gave us a
History of his Journal journey &c I signed 13 Recommend
I received 12 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe
sent her $5 for Flossy we met with Zions
Savings Bank board we Borrowed $60000
Dollars of Western National Bank of New York
~ Thursday
15 A light snow last night I signed 11 Recommends
I received 7 Letters. I wrote 6 Letters to DavidSylviaSusan, Bleak, Thompson, & Atkin. I met with
the Savings Bank board & with ZCMI Board
Br Grant made his report of his visit East
And the Money He borrowed I got a letter about
my son David accidet He was Kicked by a
colt & broke his right thigh near the Hip Joint
which is a Dangerous break
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," January 10, 1891 - January 15, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BrVn