on the Mountain Canyon & all came near
being killed through the carelessness of
an other Driver in trying to run by them Ovando was badly bruised up & Clara his
wife with a sprained wrist & others were
hurt I Met in the Morning with several of
the Brethren I met with the Bank Board and
attended to the business thereof
~ Thursday
30 I received Letters one from Susan I
wrote Letters 1 to Susan. I had an interview
with Sister Zina D Young & BarthedaBathsheba Smith
~ Friday
31 I receivd 4 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
1 to Newton
~ Saturday
Aug 1. I spent the day in the garden at work
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
3rd This is Election day 3 parties in the field DemocrattsRepublicans & Liberals I signed
5 public Letters it was a vary hot Day I met
with several parties It is reported that the
Liberals gained the Election in Salt Lake City
~ Tuesday
4 I signed 6 public Letters I received 6 Letters
I signed 6 Recommends I met with several parties
6 I signed 60 Recommends I received 3 Letters
we Met for Prayers with the presidency & 12.
on the Mountain Canyon & all came near
being killed through the carelessness of
an other Driver in trying to run by them
Ovando was badly bruised up & Clara his
wife with a sprained wrist & others were
hurt I Met in the Morning with several of
the Brethren I met with the Bank Board and
attended to the business thereof
~ Thursday
30 [FIGURE] I received Letters one from Susan I
wrote Letters 1 to Susan. I had an interview
with Sister Zina D Young & Bathsheba Smith
~ Friday
31 [FIGURE] I receivd 4 Letters I wrote 2 Letters
1 to Newton
~ Saturday
Aug 1. I spent the day in the garden at work
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
3rd This is Election day 3 parties in the field
DemocrattsRepublicans & Liberals I signed
5 public Letters it was a vary hot Day I met
with several parties It is reported that the
Liberals gained the Election in Salt Lake City
~ Tuesday
4 I signed 6 public Letters I received 6 Letters
I signed 6 Recommends I met with several parties
~ Wednesday
5 [FIGURE] In company with G Q Cannon & J F Smith
and several others we rode to Mr Whites at
Saltair Beach & Back Distance 32 Miles I was
quitte weary
~ Thursday
6 I signed 60 Recommends I received 3 Letters
we Met for Prayers with the presidency & 12.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," July 29, 1891 - August 6, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 1, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pZEX