Dec 21, 1891
Monday Nearly all the family are sick my Lungs are
still vary bad Emma is sick & nearly all the children
~ Tuesday
22 We are still sick it is snowing to day I had a
visitation to day of several Men in the interest of the
common schools I directed him to Brother Cannon
By Letter one child vary sick through the night
~ Wednesday
23 we have a hard Driving snow storm to day I am
not able to go to the office to day Brother Jaques called
upon me to I received 2 letters from Sarah
~ Thursday
24 I spent the day at home in the Midst of my children
& grand children I am getting Better myself
~ Friday
25ChristmassAsahel, Owen & Ovando Beebe
went hunting got about a Doz Ducks they saw
7 foxes I spent the day at home with my family
~ Saturday
26. My water Pipes are frozen up in the House John Sharp Born Nov 8, 1820
Died Dec 23, 1891
Aged 71.
Dec 21, 1891
Monday Nearly all the family are sick my Lungs are
still vary bad Emma is sick & nearly all the children
~ Tuesday
22 We are still sick it is snowing to day I had a
visitation to day of several Men in the interest of the
common schools I directed him to Brother Cannon
By Letter one child vary sick through the night
~ Wednesday
23 we have a hard Driving snow storm to day I am
not able to go to the office to day Brother Jaques called
upon me to I received 2 letters from Sarah
~ Thursday
24 I spent the day at home in the Midst of my children
& grand children I am getting Better myself
~ Friday
25ChristmassAsahel, Owen & Ovando Beebe
went hunting got about a Doz Ducks they saw
7 foxes I spent the day at home with my family
~ Saturday
26. My water Pipes are frozen up in the House
[FIGURE] John Sharp Born Nov 8, 1820
Died Dec 23, 1891
Aged 71.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," December 21, 1891 - December 31, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,